The little dugout that could

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by nekron99, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. No pic, sorry... but my little dugout/onehitter from GC was only filled once, but I've scraped two solid hits of kief out of it during this dry spell. What an awesome piece... I just realize I haven't named it. Gotta come up with something good, any suggestions for the dugout that just won't quit?
  2. My old dugout :D very similar story - here's what I say to name querys: WAIT. the name will come (usually after a nice sesh involving the piece)... it always does... I have 2 pieces unnamed (one's a dugout) that I picked up last week and time will tell. I have had a handful of pieces before and they all had (for the "ones that could", have) names... RIP Catty, RIP Carl, RIP Carl Jr.
  3. Johnny Hash... Bong Marley... Spliff Hendrix.

  4. lol ??

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