hey, i was smoking a while ago and i was experememting with different ways to smoke my pipe. i could hold the flame directly on top and get it real red hot, or i just hold it like 1- 2 cm above the weed to burn it, but not get red... which way is more efficient? thanks
I go with a little distance and a very hot flame. Always start your draw before you heat. The very 1st things burned taste the best and seem the most potent. Rael
I would avoid burning your bowl to a crisp! I smoke with a key handful of people and we save "corners" of the bowl so everyone gets a green hit.... There's nothing that sucks more than someone who torches the whole bowl for their hit and leaves little left for others, but if you're smoking alone I wouldn't worry too much. If you're asking about efficiency just lighting it enough to get a good hit makes bowls last longer... But I have slight asthma so I can't take those lung-busting hits everyone else can! I say just watch that bowl, don't let it flame up.. Try to save "corners" of green, if not for others but for yourself too! Lara
I light my bowls with the very tip of the flame. Sometimes corner it. But i feel the tip is the part of the flame that sets things on fire faster
It's almost as old as the thread on how we became Blades. Check the date and especially post #14. So what am I now?