the life cycle

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by negligent, Dec 8, 2004.

  1. That's one hell of an assumption to make considering there are 125 billion galaxy's in the known universe...
  2. theories are just theories, evolution has never been witnessed... if you believe it has... give proof, dont just say it exists. That's like me saying i saw a spaceship come out of the sea, it can happen, but it doesnt mean it's true, no one saw it, dont have evidence, so can't be true, atleast not till it's proven. I think we just live to die, humans are like a disease, we take over everything and just keep multiplying. We're a more advanced form. I'm not saying there is no God, I belive there is, but i'm just saying look around, look at wut we're doing, if you call this intelligence, i dunno who put the blindfold over your eyes, if we were the least bit as intelligent as we think we are, we wouldn't have wars, pestillence, suffering. I know it's hard to grasp that idea, but it is the reality we live in, money has no significance, only the one people and you put into it, which is what value it holds to you; for me nothing, for others, it's wut we are born for, to make money. People need to look at the bigger picture and realize we are ONE, one specie, to overcome our differences and borders, and to realize we dont have anyone else out there but ourselves, human kind. We must not suck this planet dry, or destroy it and other lives. We must educate eachother into seeing that we are one kind and must help and love, LOVE is the force that will help us through everything, not the type of love for your g/f,wife, or mother, but the type of love for you fellow Human,if u've never realized that you are allowed to love your fellow human, then you really dont deserve to be alive. Wish everyone would stop following destructive tradition and stop being ignorant and hateful, stop being soo damn closed minded, WE DONT HAVE TO LIVE IN SOMEONE ELSE'S REALITY or IDEA of REALITY(ex. United States' idea of how people should live...) but until we REVOLUTIONize the idea of our reality, we will be slaves to our jobs, our minds, and this world. SET YOURSELF FREE, then work with me to free humankind.

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