The Lie We Live -Spencer Cathcart

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by QualiD, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. 'The Lie We Live' Also referred to as 'The One Video That Can Change The World.'
    I apologize if this video has already be presented elsewhere, I keep getting feedback from people I know that it actually touched them. So I'm hoping to do the same for as many as I can.
    Stay Lifted.

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  2. #2 Majestic Raven, Mar 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2015
    The first 7 seconds really hit home [​IMG] About to finish it, but I can tell already I'm going to like it[​IMG]
    Edit: It was very good. I wouldn't call it life changing for me, but that is only because I have spent the time having many of those realizations in the past. I could see how somebody who hadn't spent as much time in reflection would be very moved by that video.
    I was reminded of this quote by Ted Kaczynski because they were talking about the negative effects of technology.
    "Imagine an alcoholic sitting with a barrel of wine in front of him. Suppose he starts saying to himself, "Wine isn't bad for you if used in moderation. Why, they say small amounts of wine are even good for you! It won't do me any harm if I take just one little drink..." Well you know what is going to happen. Never forget that the human race with technology is just like an alcoholic with a barrel of wine."
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  3. I hope everyone watches it at least once.
  4. Cool vid but nothing I haven't been hearing my entire life.  
    Sometimes people need to see it presented, and not just 'hear it their entire life.'

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