Shes gotta get the good shit dude. Do you know where she lives? $4.3 million house, as a lifelong public servant. Makes total sense. "An honest public servant can't become rich in politics" - Harry Truman Tucker: Waters' $4.3M 'Housing Coup' Might Qualify Her for Ben Carson's Job
Lots of people in Vancouver paid virtually nothing for their houses and they are now easily worth 3-5 million and even more. Do you know when she purchased said house and what the original purchase price was?
Also, maybe she's a Horatio Alger, a smart investor who catapulted a reasonable income into a small fortune. Do you know the details of her investment portfolio?
She would be lucky if she could tie her own shoes in the morning, let alone make money in the market Oh oh I know she must have played lotto a lot. Dang
She probably got a good amount of dough off of that one united deal. Or this. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Named One of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress - CREW Or maybe she's just a smart investor...
She probably just joined one of those stock investing clubs like my sister in law and her friends are in.. But got really lucky.
obviously! shit. I saw a commercial for one of them at about 3 am this morning. I almost that I know they work, I'm doing that shit. And investing in silver. fuck yeah, we got it cornered my man!
Pretty sure houses in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Los Angeles have always been pretty expensive.
since when has vancouver been the same as the most expensive zip code in the united states. Probably close to most expensive in the world. Your grasping at straws and its pretty unbecoming.