The Law of Attraction

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by datchronic420, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. I completely believe in this metaphysical method. For people who don't know how the law of attraction works, it's a belief that positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results. For example, people often state that they "need more money." The proper, and positive mindset would be "I have a good amount of money." Another example would be if someone said they "hated their job," that would be a negative thought thus unknowingly creating more bad/negative thoughts. A positive thought would be "I love my job and the people i work with." It can be very hard for some people to convert from bad/negative thoughts to happy/positive. What do you guys think about this method?

    Book Recommendations for Law of Attraction:
    [ame=""]The Secret By Rhonda Byrne[/ame]
    [ame=""]Zen And the Art of Happiness By Chris Prentiss[/ame]
    [ame=""]The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham By Esther Hicks[/ame]
  2. When it comes to the law of attraction our thoughts and feelings SLOWLY create our reality in this dimension. That's only one part of the method though you also need will in order to bring your thoughts into reality and thats what most people dont realize. Put some will in your thoughts, if not you'll just be a visionary
  3. I don't know about this law of attraction business, I haven't really studied it, but I am a strong believer in the human mind's ability to dictate its own reality. Your attitude determines everything. To use an example from the first post, if you think "I hate my job" you will continue to have negative feelings about your place of business and you will behave negatively while at work. Those you work with will pick up on this negativity and might begin to share your negativity or just distance themselves from you. This leads to a negative atmosphere in the workplace and just causes the situation to become worse. If you instead tell yourself that you love your job and the people you work with, you are more likely to be happy at work, and happy to see the people you work with, which will make them happier to see you, which begins to create a positive environment in the workplace.

    I don't know if that makes sense, I feel like I took too long explaining it, but think about how you felt the last time a stranger smiled at you when you were having a bad day. It's interesting to think of how much our smallest actions impact the world.
  4. another way of thinking about it is that the law of attraction is simply the idea that you attract what you think and focus your mind on.

    this can be anything like a situation at the work place, and can also effect things you desire. if you always imagine that everything will work out to the best that it can, and the best outcome for you (and those around you) and truly believe it then it can happen. energy goes where thought flows.

    personal example: i always notice the little things in my daily life always work out. whether it be biking downtown and hitting all green lights, parking a car and getting porn star parking every time or just generally finding comfort and contentness in everything that i'm doing.

    feels good man.
  5. The starving just don't want it enough - right?

  6. badd
  7. If you really think that positive and negative thinking have any influence in the universe, then thats fine, but as Sam Spade said, why are there starving people still? Its just New Age nonsense. Theres a video on youtube from an Australian comedy show, The Chaser, where they make fun of it. Check it out.
    [ame=]The Chaser's War on Everything - The Secret - YouTube[/ame]
  8. I do not believe in this thoery. The power of manifestation. Think you hve it believe in that it will come to you. Thats almost like you recieve not because you ask not. Now if I like someone and apply that law and that other person likes someone else and she applies that law. Well who's power of attraction is greater. Like that athlete that thats JC for the big win after the game. What about those christians that preyed on the other team. I watched the movie the Secret how Kings and Pharaohs have know about the Law of attraction. Didn't care for it much and I am very open minded.

    I do believe that positive thoughts and positive thinking will lead to positive things and a healther way of life. Being around someone that is alway negitive and just gives off bad karma gets old quick. Really not fun being around people like that. This life is just way way to short for any BS like that. Plus there is not promise of a after life or a return trip back to earth. no other dimension or other form of life we advance too. No one really knows. Live for the moment and to its fullest. Be kind and fruitful. Don't harm people or animals. be thoughtful to the earth our home and home of our children. Good things will come to good people.
  9. Exactly, I'm a strong believer in the power of positive thought, not because there's anything magical or supernatural about it, but because it changes the way you approach situations, and then it rubs off on other people, which can lead to your involvement in more positive situations.
  10. I have been practicing this philosophy over the last year and even though I enjoyed and appreciated my life to the fullest back then, this train of thought just helped it get better and better. Whether it works in the vibrational world or it's all psychological, I love this theory and will continue to practice it.

  11. That's a good point. But look at their environment, the starving people of the world live in the air of despair and their means give them no chance of receiving their fair share so in that sense hope is lost and content sets in. Also many of these people are born into starvation and being born into a bleak world gives way to the eradication of their will.

    The starving just don't have enough.
  12. In my experience of people who live below the way we do, they come to understand something that we don't really get - acceptance. While obviously not applying to everyone, those that can accept their life as it is and make the best of things as they can, reveal a spirit that while life is still hard for them, and would probably be impossible for us, they can do so with such grace and true feeling, that they can still experience happiness in a way that western people would find sheer misery. These people just don't believe things can or will or should change, and it is this that keeps them where they are.
  13. #13 Sam_Spade, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2011
    Do you see a fallacy in saying "It works when it works, but when it doesn't work, they are subjectively lacking."

    Doesn't that strike you as a confirmation bias? Perhaps the willfull credulity of the believer has something to do with this mindset. At very least it shows that this is not a law, a causative effect -- at most it is barely a weak correlation.

    And no, in fact many people in poverty conditions live in some of the most beautiful locales in the world, many in rural conditions that are largely untouched by urban infrastructure. Some have loving families and rich cultural traditions. They are imposed upon in the way they live by economic forces much larger than themselves.

    What causes them their negativity? the very poverty they're experiencing?

    Do you really think the physical universe makes itself available only to western suburbanites, or do you think this is the marketable creation of shrewd cynicists, with a type of built-in infalsifiability.
  14. I still think that the whole "law of attraction" thing or whatever we want to call it has only limited ability to change reality. It has no power to end a famine and only limited power to change a grander social or economic situation.

    I don't believe that there is necessarily an air of despair in poverty-stricken cultures, because part of life is just learning to be happy with what you have. They may be starving, but many of them still have a loving family and some sort of home.

    I experienced this to a lesser extent a few months ago. I wasn't able to work last semester due to my class load, and I pretty much ran out of money. When I started working, my paychecks had a two-week lag, which meant I had to work for a full month before they would pay me. In the meantime, of course, my checking account balance dwindled to nearly no money at all. If I was going grocery shopping I had to buy only what I could afford, mostly dried goods, with a few vegetables and some peanut butter and jelly, and as I went, I had to tally up the cost of what I was buying in my head to make sure I wasn't spending too much. At first, I was pissed off, because I was having to live without the luxuries I'm accustomed to, and it's really hard to watch others enjoying these luxuries when you cannot, and for awhile I kind of withdrew into my apartment and tried to escape the world.

    Eventually I had an epiphany, I realized that even though by American standards I was dirt poor, by international standards I was still pretty rich. I had a roof over my head, I had a car, I had clothing, and I had food in my belly. I realized that so long as I had those things I didn't really have anything to complain about (I also had a pretty good stockpile of herb, and that helped too).

    I would imagine that those who have even less than I did can experience the same sort of awakening, where they stop worrying so much about what they lack and instead are just thankful for what they do have.

    And I must apologize once again for being so long-winded. I don't know what's gotten into me today, I'm not even stoned.
  15. #15 Jennuine, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    i dont think that thoughts attract anything. I think that your thoughts change your situation though. Its all about perception, and having a positive outlook on things. Its how we react to things..change your outlook...and you can change those internal feelings.....eventually changing your reality.

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