The Largest Federal Appeals Court Tells DOJ To Back Off State-Legal Medical Marijuana

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Sneaky Snake, Aug 18, 2016.

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  1. Its about time the government has acknowledged these patients. I have a feeling we are now moving in the right direction for a change. The old rotten bastards of the boomer age are finally dying and being replaced with people who show some compassion. Who knows if there is another motive behind this, being the government we know it to be, there could be. Now is that an excuse to greenlight a takeover of the rec industry or will that never happen? They need to respect the states decisions.
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  2. And that's what this decision means. It's effectively decriminalized medical marijuana at the federal level for states who decide to allow medical marijuana. This is huge.
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  3. its huge until they decide to arrest everyone again for it. they are wishy washy laws that are bipolar..

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