CRracK! The sound of fallen pyrex is a sound that I know all too well. I have seen it happen in about every way possible. The last time I just got done smoking (usually the case) out of a brand new sick ass piece. I put my piece in the right hooded sweatshirt front pocket. Opened the slider to the backyard and bent over to pick up a half burned cig on the ground and u already know what happened. I have become accustomed to losing my glass pieces eventually but this one I had just bought and I payed $60 for. I remember thinking ITS THE DAMN CIGARETTES FAULT. This was the final straw, I had already contemplated quitting smoking but this was it. New years was a couple weeks away and I had decided that my new years resolution was to quitting wasting my lungs on cigarettes. Looking back, maybe it was a good thing that that piece broke. I haven't had a cigarette since. Probably the most common way Ive seen a piece break is the all famous smoke in the car and forget that the pipe was in my lap when I exit the car. The most brutal way was back when I was fourteen I was skating and trying to bust a flip trick. I biffed somehow and ended up falling on my side. I noticed when I stood up that my piece was broken in my pocket and had given me a pretty good bruise. These are just a couple stories about a few glass pipes that I owned. I lost count somewhere along the way but I can honestly say that I have broken myself, or seen broken over forty glass pipes in my life. This is a thread where you can tell the story of your broken pipe. upload pictures of a new pipe. Or ask for advice. If a friend breaks your pipe should he have to pay for it? PS. I think I'm gonna buy a little one hitter/sneak a toke. Any recommendations?
I remember one time my wife and I went to an all toucan eat restruant and I packed two bowls before going in by some bushes when I was done I put it in my pocket so i thought I did I missed it lol and it shatterd everywhere but I didn't care I was super high and about to munch out p.s it was brainstorm haze that I smoked
I have broken at least 2 glass pipes by having them in my lap while in my car, then gettign out. That has happened TWICE in the parking lot at my work. LOL I once saw my buddy fall backwards onto his glass coffee table which had a big glass bong on it. Broke EVERYTHING. LOL He was VERY drunk at the time. It was such a loud crash it fuckin scared everyone. He was alright though and the party carried on like nothin happened
Next morning he wasnt too happy. He was more pissed about the table and all the stuff he had on it. His girl was pissed cause she had all these fancy glass decorations that got broke too. It was a pretty major fail on his part. But it was pretty damn funny at the time.
The only time i broke a piece was when i had my glass bubbler on a table on my friends roof. For some reason i had a big knife with me, I dont remember why. So, as a joke, I stabbed the knife into the table well yelling "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" All my friends had a laugh. Then, my friend tried to pull the knife out of the table, he couldn't (I guess i stabbed that table pretty hard!) Well he was trying to get it out the table wobbled and my bubbler fell over. My friend instantly said he would buy me another 1 that night. The one he bought me was taken by a cop .
last night i dreamed that i broke my pipe by holding it too tightly and was all stressed out and upset in the dream. then i realised that what was going on wasn't real and was a dream, but i didn't make the connection that i could do whatever because it was a dream.
when i bought my first bubbler i was plagued by these same sort of dreams, one would be of me breaking it by squeezing it, another would be of it getting crushed in my backpack, others would be it getting dropped.
that's so odd, maybe they'll start happening more often and i'll be able to recognize that i'm dreaming. that'd be cool
So I bought a pipe from my bro for 50 bucks when I was 14, and a week later i snuck out of my house to meet with some friends. we were right by the library and i forgot i had my piece in my middle sweatshirt pocket. We were walking and on the sidewalk infront of us i saw some black spots and looked up then looked at the ground and saw THOUSANDS of ants crawling around my feet. I flipped the fuck out and jumped about 2 feet in the air screaming. The pipe came out of my sweatshirt and broke into 3 pices on the ground. I was so pist because my Bro gave it to me and i spent what i had left of my birthday money on it. Sad day...
I broke my glass spoon about an hour and a half ago. It was only 2 months old. I was driving and after finishing a bowl stuck the bowl out the window to cash it. (normally I just dump it in my hand and throw it out but this time i didn't) Started to pull the bowl back in the car and hit a bump and the bowl got caught on the window and I dropped it. I was goin about 45 at the time and heard the terrible sound of smashing glass and knew that my piece was gone.
my friend spent 70$ on a bong when he pulled it out it was broken the habib store wouldnt take it back my same friend was trippin on salvia and threw my friends pipe. i let my same friend borrow my bong with ash catcher i just bought he broke the stem kind of my fault left it on his jacket and when i went home he broke the ash catcher and bought me a new 90$ perc chamber which magically jumped out of my slider bubbler on to concrete yay lol damn if only i didnt smoke
Just broke mine today while cleaning it and kissing my girlfriend at the same time. The sandwich bag broke and my bowl shattered in my bathub Replacing it tomorrow but next time I clean it, I am doing it over a towel or something haha.