who's seen this? stars- Richard Gear, Bruce Willis, Sidney Poitier (1997). i watched it again today. i've only seen it once or twice, but after watching it today my opinion of it has risen. Willis' character in this flick is somewhat unique among his resume. i mean the Jackal is cold as ice, yet he is the ultimate actor/master of disguise. he's funny and sweet, yet he has no problem blasting you to smitherines with a mounted gatling gun as he tells you to hold out your cigarette pack. and it's Jack Black that's gettin torn to shreds with a gun shooting bullets as big as anal dildos! and Gear plays an Irish P.O.W. captured and imprisoned in Brittain, who knows of the Jackal, and is "optioned" by a group of individuals led by Poitier, that involves the US and Russian govs. and he has the accent to boot!