The importance of attitude

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by shaggyflasko, May 13, 2009.

  1. Debate, as I refer to it here, is a discourse between at least two people, and it can have an audience as little as one person. This also applies to the internet.

    The most important part of a debate is not simply what you say, but rather how you present yourself and your information. Anger is a common response when people disagree with us, especially when their arguments make no sense, or when they are derogatory toward us.

    However, public discussion doesn't occur for the sake of the debaters. It is for the people watching the debate. It is not what your opponent thinks or says that counts, but what the people see. When a debater becomes angry, resorts to name-calling, or generally loses his cool, people see him as having lost control of himself or the debate.

    Anger conveys worry. If someone is right, knows what they are talking about, and has a strong character, then they should be able to bring logic and evidence to statements contrived against them. No one should be worried about their information or angry at the opposing statements unless they advocate lies.

    Rudeness gives the impression that the debater is uneducated, uncultured, or unintelligent. Intelligent people know that rude, offensive language is the best way to be ignored (or worse, gain unwanted attention).

    Not only do these things affect the debater, but it makes other proponents of his argument appear foolish in the same way. It is easy for people to make a connection between the logic of an argument and the character of its proponent, even though this is a blatant logical fallacy.

    So, when you argue with people, be polite, informed, and answer questions like a teacher or educator would. Don't become embroiled with hecklers or angered by stupid statements. The people who heckle and spread lies will look like fools by their own virtue or by the facts you so expertly present.

    When people are ready to think about the issue you advocate, you will appear much more professional than the liars and hecklers who have to resort to logical fallacies because their logic is full of contradictions.

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