The "Im too stoned, lazy and impatient to make a pizza" sandwich

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by BEEKNASTY35, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. This is a pepperoni melt, originally inspired by my favourite Cousins Subs sandwich. I love these because they are so fast and simple. I have wanted pizza many a time as a pothead but was always turned off by the long time it took to make. I got the munchies NOW i cant wait a half hour on the oven!

    You will need
    bread of your choice(I usually use kaiser rolls cuz thats what i have)
    sliced pepperoni (there is no such thing as too much pepperoni)
    ham (optional... sometimes ill use it sometimes not)
    raw onion (cut as desired. longer pieces tend not to fall off the sandwich)
    garlic (i use 1 small clove per sandwich. this is optional)
    sliced tomato (about 4-6 slices per sandwich)
    olive oil
    black pepper as desired
    mozzarella and cheddar slices (i use a mix of 3 mozzarella 2 of cheddar)

    In a medium to large frying pan on medium heat, add olive oil first. Add everything EXCEPT the cheese and mix and cook for 3-4 minutes. Add cheese. Once cheese is melted, remove from pan and put on bread.

    Mayonnaise disgusts me, especially when high. You may add it if you wish.
  2. That sounds pretty good, but I'd personally rather take the time to make a pizza with those same ingredients. Good idea though man.
  3. This actually sounds pretty nommy.

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