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The "I'm high and I've nothing to do" Thread

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TokesandJokes, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Hey everyone. I'm new to these forums. Good time for a first post since I'm stoned so let's get started. I've just got back inside from blazing with a good friend and now I'm eating some potatoes and turkey my parents just made me :D

    So, out of curiosity of the users, what do you guys do after your baked and you realize, "Hey, I'm not doing something right now. I should probably do something... maybe."? I usually just either:

    a) Continue hanging with my friends and end up free running, skateboarding or game somewhere .
    b) If I'm at home, I munch a little and go on forums, listen to music, facebook, etc.
    c)I'm so high I pass out an hour later.

    Well, that's me. What do you guys do in your spare time high?
  2. Turn on my stoner playlist, have a wank (come on, I'm not the only one... I'm just cool enough to admit it) because it feels x10 better high, eat 'till my jaw aches, watch a film maybe, then make music on the comedown :smoke: hell yeah.
  3. At least you got the balls to admit it. You are right though >_>
  4. I usally jump to my guitar. I just took it up a few months ago cuz of situations like these lol...
  5. read books on growing marijuana and looking at the bud shots and grow set ups in the xbox....guitar...movies...that's about it tho
  6. The X-files on Netflix.

    Never fails.
  7. [quote name='"GrassCtyCitizen"']The X-files on Netflix.

    Never fails.[/quote]

    Or House...
  8. Netflix, listen to music (soundproof, engineer quality headphones are mindblowing), taking walks around the neighborhood, lie on the roof and look at the stars, go on a hike if it's daylight. I get too fed up with videogames when high for whatever reason.
  9. [quote name='"TokesandJokes"']Hey everyone. I'm new to these forums. Good time for a first post since I'm stoned so let's get started. I've just got back inside from blazing with a good friend and now I'm eating some potatoes and turkey my parents just made me :D

    So, out of curiosity of the users, what do you guys do after your baked and you realize, "Hey, I'm not doing something right now. I should probably do something... maybe."? I usually just either:

    a) Continue hanging with my friends and end up free running, skateboarding or game somewhere .
    b) If I'm at home, I munch a little and go on forums, listen to music, facebook, etc.
    c)I'm so high I pass out an hour later.

    Well, that's me. What do you guys do in your spare time high?[/quote]
    C. Definitely c. I like to do other shit, but I'm usually too blasted to stay awake...
  10. #10 TokesandJokes, Nov 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2011
    Or Breaking Bad...
  11. Youtube.. never fails me when im stoned.
  12. Nothing beats watching fail videos or listening to chill music/dubstep

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