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The Human Imagination!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Roach-Killa, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. #1 Roach-Killa, Jun 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2009
    Ok check this out now im strictly talking about the human imagination and not hallucinations. So i pick up this grade of my freind who has homegrown it. I forgot which strain it was now .....prolly cause im blazed teh F**K out.

    I roll one super fatty to smoke after i finish my course work ....... Smoked it in my room while playing counter strike and im totally fine. This was one fat joint as well. One miniute after the joint i get a little cotton mouth so i go to the local corner shop and grab a drink. I meet my freind outside my halls and decide to smoke another J. I didnt have too much of it and i couldnt help but think how utterly crap this homegrown was! For some reason i kept saying that inside my head while i was smoking a J and pulling on it at the same time. I said it inside my head again and i visualised GHANDI! sitting down telling me this........ "My freind you should never under estimate any grade as they all have differnt values and effects on people"........ "I must go now for i am needed else where".

    This happened about 1 hour ago.


    I know this must sound really crazy but..... i felt it needed to share it with you all.
  2. Hahaha. That sounds great.

    If I close my eyes, and think about something, I almost feel like it is happening. Its nuts. Never see anything though... I like to stare at the colors when I close my eyes though (hypnagogic imagery.) Its pretty nice.
  3. ghandi told you whats knows his stuff
  4. yeah if i close my eyes and think everything around me all the sound just goes away and i feel like im there almost like im sleeping lol but then if theres a quick loud noise i just snap outta it

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