I doubt any of you guys remember One of my previous post about some homeless Guy randomly strolling through my store Well he came back again and literally cleaned the whole area by picking up every single piece of trash saving me a shit ton of time He kept saying " I wanna save this earth, i like old groups and the axels are huge" idk what the Fuck he was saying This dudes ffkn awesome though And I hooked him up with two grape swishers lol Here's some pics of him in action And here's the video I posted on my previouse thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9eozkNb3gw&feature=youtube_gdata_player
[quote name='"Americandutchyz"']hahaha If I worked there I would hook him up with a shitload of food one day.[/quote] Hahha I wish I could do that I'd get fired quick