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Collab The High-function Glass Corner: Discussion, Appreciation & Milk of High end Glass!

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by dirtridge, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. #1 dirtridge, Nov 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2011
    We've got a heady thread, and that has been quite a rewarding source of eye candy, but I feel that something is missing. There are a lot of impressive pieces that really don't belong there, and they deserve a place to be recognized, regardless of brand name!

    EDIT: In order to give this thread more substance, I will do reviews on my glass and invite you all to do the same! This will prevent it from becoming just a picture/video thread and give it some purpose! So, please, review your pieces!

    Need to specify before it goes on too long, by "High-End," I mean on the cutting edge of scientific glass. Artists and companies who strive for excellence and progress. Not that your Illy's and roors aren't great, they just aren't what needs attention. Thanks for reading this.

    So, general guidelines:
    1. Keep it high-end! This is the most important rule! It need not be heady, but that is welcome as well. An off topic thread is a waste of space, and I'd like to see this turn into a very active resource for the best of the best in the functional glass game. To do this, discuss high-end glass: your favorite scientific artists (established like SG or burgeoning like EFS), their projects, share pictures, videos, blog posts, whatever! Just, whatever you do, keep it on topic.
    Idle chit-chat does not belong here.
    Mods do not like it
    And I don't want to make their job ridiculously difficult.
    2. If you see something that doesn't belong, do not respond, report.
    3. If you are unsure of whether or not your piece is, "High-End," don't post it. I'm not being mean, but this is not the place to figure that out.

    And last, keep on enjoying your glass. :wave:

    Examples from my collection:

    [ame=""]EFS+ DWB Glass Rocks! - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=""]EFS milk + DWB Glass Slide - YouTube[/ame]


    And some from the internet:

    [ame=""]Half gram rip on the Peyote Pillar - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=""]SG mini bent neck King stemline Downgrid - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=""]SGW Waffle and Slinger/Snic - YouTube[/ame]

    So, please keep this on topic, if it gets out of hand I will ask for it to be closed....that's if it even picks up.

    Start posting your high end stuff!

    EDIT: Name edited to clear confusion. Keep it on topic.

  2. Not gonna post much cause I don't I have high end glass.

    But will drop in time to time :)
  3. great thread idea!

    Attached Files:

  4. ^^Does not belong (I can respond because I'm also posting substance)

    [ame=]CRS gridded showerhead bubbler poor milk - YouTube[/ame]

    this is MY vid :p
    [ame=]SG mini bent neck King stemline Downgrid - YouTube[/ame]
    [ame=]SG down king mini w/ BC a/c - YouTube[/ame]
    [ame=]SG, BC, CRS, DWB glass rocks - YouTube[/ame]

    In addition to these slides being heady, they have some of the best function.
    The built in screen catches as better than anything I've seen, holds as fine of a grind you want, and still provides terrific airflow.
    [ame=]mr task rok rocks with dwb glass 1 - YouTube[/ame]
  5. Definitely, Drew's screens are the only type of slide I want now.

  6. Lol roor is not high end?
  7. Not anymore.
    The glass industry has evolved, roor has not.
  8. I'm going to edit something into the first post, but no.

    RooR's are solid, quality tubes, but not, "high-end."
  9. lol dirt i red that on the garden^^^
    some itza and headman headies.
    [ame=]itza/headmans headies - YouTube[/ame]
    also the ac by its self.
    [ame=]My Movie - YouTube[/ame]
    i really love the color work on the itza really clean cuts on the trees very clean welds and clean piece all around smooth for trees.i know there is haters hating on itza because of the whole toro thing but everyone bites deal with it!!

    also really love the non gridded circ ac i have not seen headmans headies around to much stacks very nice for being non gridded and very clean welds and solid piece all around super smooth!
  10. @Dirt: I still want a traditional DD from smiley to compare and I need to go chill with drty again and try out those SG 4holes more, they're a great size for snaps

    the Toro IP was really nice to for a snap, i used it in the gauntlet vid that's not uploaded yet, I'm curious to see the bubbles it allowed for on the full size king w/ bc a/c

  11. then i guess no one should post a illy either.
  12. Not just a straight tube/beaker, no.

    [ame=]broken Toro circ with CAC - YouTube[/ame]

    I almost wasn't going to post this because the base is broken, but it was MUCH smoother than I expected for it not being gridded either, like haer's hedman.
    It stacks verrrry well when held straight, I'm pretty sure it's because of how wide the stem is, terrific flow in this vid, even with a push slide, I def wanna use this tube again.
    I just don't like how far out the stem is.
    Not nearly as enjoyable as the SG kings and CRS bub but still much more fun than I thought it'd be :smoke:
  13. Well you should change the name of the thread. Just because something doesn't have a pec it means its not high end? Thats like saying my moms 5 series BMW is a mid range car because there's the 7 and M series cars
  14. Don't tell me to change the title, I'm not responsible for it.

    You don't even have the downstems in in your pictures.
    It doesn't have to have a perc to be high end, though a scientific perc like a stemline or showershead surely helps, but an old school SG straight with an SG downstem would fit for sure.
    So would an Illy pyramid perc.
  15. Don't mind if I do...

    [ame=]Comp2.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=]SG Mini Stemline Slow Motion Rip 2 - YouTube[/ame]



  16. Changed the title to end confusion. Lets keep this on topic before I regret this. :laughing:

    [ame=]EFS Double Gridded Donut + DWB Glass Slide - YouTube[/ame]
  17. Shitloaf, have you tried your DWB in your serious tube? When was the last time you even used that tube :p

  18. Lol when i said change the title i was talking to the op obv lol

    I have a alex k downstem if i plopped that in there then all of a sudden it turns my middle of the road roor worthy of this thread!

    Roor is deff not a mid range company like SYN or HVY
  19. #20 flammzrant, Nov 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2011
    beautiful stuff IzZ, lovin that Itza a/c, any clue how many grids/slits?

    Quit going off topic.
    Syn>Hvy>Roor imo
    Your AlexK would fit, tube still doesn't.


    I want one of his with the fewer/larger holes too and smaller

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