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The Hashish Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Cannabidol, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Recently I have become very proficient at making hash using kief collected from my 3-piece grinder.

    The method I use entails folding the kief up in a rolling paper, then heating it from below with a candle/bic/whatever (while occasionally rolling over the folded up kief with a rolling pin)

    Here's a few pictures of hashish I have made recently. In fact, I just made a new batch today.

    (The test bowlpack has me pretty baked, and inspired me to make this thread.)

    A bowl packed with layers of lots of kif, hash, and bud.

    Delicious ball of goodness, and little bits rolled around in kif :smoking:

    Small bit of hash/kif that I topped a bowl with.

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