The greatest love of all

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by SmokeeTheBear, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. The greatest love of all is the love it takes to harm someone for their own good. This is the love God has for us.
  2. Agreed. Beat your children for their own good. It's the most loving and responsible way to be a parent.
  3. I had a feeling someone might come in with something like that.

    There is a difference between beating a child out of your own anger/inadequacy, and allowing your child to fall down a few times so that they can learn to walk on their own.

    One is beneficial, the other is inhibitory. See?

    It's not so much harming them, as allowing harm to befall them. The love it takes to experience independence.
  4. I believe the children are our future
  5. I hate god.
  6. teach them well and let them lead the way
  7. I hate children.
  8. My Gods are pretty cool about not being douche bags, but they're also okay with you fucking up, so long as you clean up your mess.
  9. when i was graduating middle school they wanted to make this our class song. everyone voted against it. then they gave us a vote between some "metal" song and wind beneath my wings, and though we voted against it they went with wind beneath my wings.

    children might suck, but middle school administrators suck more
  10. I hate middle school.
  11. [​IMG]God showing his love, bitch had to fall down:eek:
  12. I'm sure that man is a lot wiser and a much better person than most models you're likely to meet. That condition is temporary, the wisdom gained from that condition is eternal.

    Do you see?
  13. ^^lolwaaat....what 'wisdom' exactly would be imparted there? Painful debilitating conditions suck?
  14. Hmm, well this is just off the top of my head and I'm sure I'd get a much fuller understanding if I experienced something like that first hand (as I believe we all at some point have) but:

    Looks don't matter in the long run.

    Suffering is temporary, everyone suffers.

    (for others) Someone always has it worse than you, the problems you think you have right now are truly nothing.

    Understanding the way other people adjust how they treat you based on your appearance (I'm sure he knows this all too well).

    We all need help to overcome our obstacles, no matter how much we think we can handle everything on our own.

    I'm sure there's much much more.
  15. People dont have to go through intense suffering to realize all that....^^hah...

    It looks like this person is really grooving with all that wisdom!
  16. Yes, they do.

    Like I said, his condition is only temporary. The blink of an eye.
  17. lol! on both comments
  18. How did you learn this obvious truth? Were you dropped in lava or something? Isn't it more likely that the fella ALREADY FUCKING KNEW THAT?

    You have not listed one thing anyone wouldn't rather learn from JUST LIVING LIFE.
  19. So, just to be clear, you think his condition is permanent and that suffering has no benefits.

    Hmm, to each their own.

    There are different levels of knowing something. It's both for teaching purposes, as well as karmic purposes.

    If knowing something meant applying it, the world would truly be a perfect place, no?

    I'm both surprised and saddened to see you're still carrying on with your childish antics on all of my threads. If you view the things I post as "garbage pulled out of my arse" why do you keep coming in here and sniffing them, you just like the smell?

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