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The Great Smoke-Off

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RedeyeJedii, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Not quite sure where to post this..

  2. haha i like it
  3. fuckin shel silverstein....niiice
  4. I have always loved this poem. plus rep for you man.
  5. nice sig metulhead. claudio ftw.
  6. Thanks Cubs, back at ya bro
  7. Shel Silverstein was a stoner?
    Damn, we read the giving tree back in like grade 3...I now understand that the giving tree is an allegory for the herb
  8. #8 Amped, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2011
    These are the kinds of poems people in high school should learn :smoke:

  9. So much win.
  10. Lmao im so baked that i forgot to put "should learn" :smoke:

    But i guess it made sense like that 2 if you get it :smoking:
  11. I remember reading this exact poem in elementary school. Didn't get it then, but it's so badass that they have little kids read this

  12. Wowgasm. I was so baked i thought it fucking said 'should learn' LOL:D:bongin:
  13. Thats pretty intense man, we were both stoned and i forgot it but u thought it was there :eek: Woah. lol :smoke:

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