The Great Firewall of China, and Bootcamp for internet addicts...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MPower420, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. What's your stand?

    BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China web addict 'beaten' at camp

    Apparently, there's been atleast one child killed at the "Internet Boot Camp" in China, and at least a handful more that have been beaten with serious injuries.

    Damn... this world is fucked up. It's bad when your government is so paranoid (because what they're doing is so fucked up), they decide to block information that goes against what they "stand for".... and then they're willing to beat children to death to prove a point.

    Youtube and Google are already censoring information to the general public... hell, maybe we're next.
  2. If you have Comcast internet, your personal information is already being sold to the Government.
  3. I think a lot of places, including Comcast, sell your personal information to the government now-a-days.

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