the george floyd trail was set up for failure the second they announced the charges

Discussion in 'Politics' started by letsmokeasweet, Mar 31, 2021.

  1. With 700,000 cops in America there must be tens of thousands who like this guy are not good people and should be discharged but cops shouldn't all be painted with the same brush. I've had my problems with cops but I'd rather we have them than not. I wonder if cops are more or less likely to be bad guys than the general population they come from.
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  2. I agree Ed. This one just kinda hit home as Mrs. J works with autistic high school kids and this cop was whaling on an autistic kids head. I’m guessing he didn’t realize the kid was special needs but all the more reason for additional training.

    Of course we need them though - its that love/hate thing.
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  3. i hear ya j, my lady does too,if that was my kid id be in jail.
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  4. i have had a few run ins with the lawman. one lesson i learned in jail was that, the jailer and the inmate can still get along and act cordially.
    most of the cops that have pulled me over, caught me, walked up on me in compromising situations, arrested me, let me make it, the neighborhood cop that stops and says hi...pretty much all of them were decent and good people. the ones that were a bitch was a school cop. they were younger and i can tell, not happy with their position in life. those guys were assholes and are probably the ones that go on to beat people and stuff
  5. in that instance, i would definitely be sitting in jail, right next to you
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  6. i’m
    the other day, i’m not sure if it was rush or one of his guest host that said it, but basically they were talking about teacher unions
    the teacher unions protect the bad teachers.
    the good teachers do not want unions

    i wonder if the police unions are the same??
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  7. A cop friend gave another cop a dwi in brklyn, the other cops put his locker on the roof! He wound up transferring to Conn.
    I think this happens alot with many different jobs.
  8. Mrs. J works with autistic children in the local school system and you are exactly right. She does work with some wonderful teachers but she also works with some real shitheels that and they absolutely use the teachers union as their crutch and no one can touch them - within reason of course.
    A good example across America is the teachers unions using covid as a reason to not go back to school. Our (mine are grown but you know what I mean) kids here in Maine have all been back to full time school for a very long time - safely of course but teachers unions all over have been fighting it - and now a lot of kids are having to stay back a year or worse.

    I am against unions in general. I’ve worked for them and could not stand the politics behind and driving them.

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  9. I agree, unions are corrupt, at least the masons union was,is. Multi million dollar business run by ex masons! I went to one union meeting, it was a joke and complete waste of time. I got out and run my own work.
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  10. Qualified immunity did not come about from police unions nor is it being enforce by police unions. It is a long-standing legal principle with SCOTUS precedence. It can be corrected with legislation. Congressman Justin Amash has proposed the Ending Qualified Immunity Act. It would aid in holding cops accountable for when they break the law.
  11. They should be held more accountable as they should know better, politicians too.
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  12. I agree, and the chauvin verdict hopefully will set a precedence for accountability.
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  13. The way to keep the police unions in check will be when the unions are sued for protecting bad cops. Once lawsuit money, comes out of retirement funds and all cops have real skin in the game, only then will the good cops oust the bad ones.
    Hows that for forced reform through peer pressure.
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  14. Excellent idea, We should do that with every occupation . Accountability for all, especially politicians .
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  15. I’m not sure how we ever lost accountability. I’m sure it was there in the beginning.

    Public servants are just that - and should be treated as such.

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  16. haha i think that’s funny.
    i don’t know,
    loyalty over the job trying to be a good person or be a dick is what it all comes to
  17. sometimes it’s better to be yourself and not a part of everything else. i don’t want to be like everyone else around here, i want to be better
  18. of course, throughout life, the bad people always find a way out so they are not held accountable for their actions. just have to know the loopholes and u can get ahead if you exploit them correctly.

    i am scared and interested to see what the long term effects the year or two off of ‘school’ will be
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