The Gasmask

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by MexicanRadio, May 6, 2009.

  1. Okay, so. My first time smoking out of a gasmask. Now mind you, I was used to a whole lot of lightweight shit, so the gasmask was my induction into the big leagues.

    So, I go to my sister's house for a little toke session. She tells me "we're gonna do things a little differently, today." First thing I think is, "stronger shit, huh?" I'm pretty stoked about the whole thing. Not only does she bring out stronger shit, she brings out a gasmask. Harmless looking thing, as harmless as gasmasks look. Not only that, she brings out the steamroller. Now, this thing is attached to the end of the mask where the oxygen tube usually goes in. By now, I'm pretty much like :hello:. So, she packs the bowl puts it in the steamroller, attaches the steamroller to the end of the mask, and says "You don't get claustrophobic, do you?" Of course, I say Fuck no, I don't and take the mask. Putting it over my head, her boyfriend snugs it onto my face and I'm G2G. He lights it, I pull, I hit it...Smoke in my face. I'm blinded, I pretty much vaporize everything without a choice. I take off the mask, cough a little bit, let out the smoke and I'm off. Coughing like nobody's business. By the time I've stopped coughing and gagging, I'm teary-eyed and blinded by my own confusion. I swear to god I was reborn. I looked around the room and everything was amazingly amazing. It was an hour later when I finally blinked my eyes and said something. I can't even describe to you what I said...I think it was something along the lines of "let's go again".

    So here I am, stoned out of my core, watching Smiley Face, and I'm going on little journeys. I don't mean like hallucinations or anything, I mean, I'm passing out for like seconds only. And by the time I had figured out what the fuck just happened, the movie was over, I was laying on the couch eating a breakfast burrito watching my sister play Oblivion. We smoked at like was 2:30. If you've never done a mask, I highly suggest that shit like, tahday.
  2. i remember the first time i did the gaskmask it felt like i was dying i could breathe i hate it!!! lol
  3. Gasmasks are awesome, it's like you're mini-hotboxing :smoking:

    Oh and related pic -

  4. anton... thats sick +rep for that ill picture

    anyway yeah gas mask are the shit.... first time i ever did it i didnt know ur supposed to close ur eyes.... mannnn it hurt like a bitch... but it hurt sooo good
  5. Dude, Anton, where in the fuck did you get that from??!?!? I wa....NEED ONE!!!!
  6. I don't like gasmasks. At least the one I tried. I got uber stoned, but it took awhile. It was hard to get a good hit. When I finally took it off I stood up too fast, fell down smashed my head into a heavy ass space heater and gashed my head open. I couldn't stop laughing. Had like a 2 inch gash on my cranium.
  7. Jesus, thats what I need.

    Are there any sites that sell them or guides to making them ?
  8. yeah dude i cant breathe out of my nose cuz its been fucked up since an old football injury haha. so yeah when i tried that out for the first time i was freaking out a lil bit cuz i couldnt breathe. but u get used to it after the first time or so. its pretty crazy but is a too elaborate way to smoke for me
  9. sick man, I love getting stupid zooted off those masks!
  10. This guy needs a suit of power armor and a battle rifle.
  11. the guy in the picture needs to change the water and clean that bitch out. it looks like someone took a shit in the ashcatcher and pissed in the tubesh
  12. Oblivion fuck yeah very good high game
  13. You should try playing the fucking Expansion packs when your fuckin' blazed. that one with the Knights wasn't too trippy, but when we got to the Shivering Isles, my god...
  14. dude gasmasks suck u cant get a decent hit half of it goes into ur eyes and they have shitty ass atatchments i sold mine for like twice i paid for it cause newbs think theyre sick
  15. I dunno, maybe the gasmask you had was suckesh. I liked the one we had, it got the job done and then some.
  16. The good ol gasmask. Definitely a great experience each time. That pic does look sick though. But the problem that I had with the gasmask was that it just doesn't feel natural. And then for like, 10 minutes after I was breathing weird. Shit gets you so blazed though. Good good times.
  17. Man, them thangs is fuckin dangerous! You are not getting any oxygen, nothing but smoke in there. I wouldnt suggest those things to a newb smoker, shit I wouldnt suggest it to a "seasoned toker". Definitely wouldnt do it by yourself, imagine getting it too snugg or something and not being able to get it off... Death by weed smoke. I guess there is worse ways to go though.
  18. Thats why you close your eyes when you hit it...
    & I've been smoking for 5 years now and I still think they are amazing.

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