Ok men, heres how it is, the day high tech sex bots are started on the assembly line, will come the day all the men are massacred. your average sex bot today is basically a glorified dildo. but these sex bots that are gonna be made will have romantic conversations, give back rubs, and say anything woman want to hear such as " yes " or "ok i will do that" or "ok honey ill do that". now how is this the end of man? simple. these sex bots use an actual mans penis, and to do that they will have to chop off the dicks of men. woman only put up with men because of sex, i have heard woman state that "if it were not for sex, we would corner the men into a brick wall and throw stones at them" so after they lop off our dicks, they will attach them to the sex bots genitalia area. As for me i will not have my dick chopped off and put on a sex bot, i will evacuate to the bunker with my trusty shotgun. i believe that when its made public that these sex bots are being developed, we need to hide to minimize casualty's. i will give survival tips. 1. go underground. 2. if and when these sexbots are being developed, and your wife or girlfriend tries to send you to a new doctor RUN 3. try to stay on your wife or girlfriends good side, and maybe, just maybe, they will not have to build these penis stealing sexbots. This is my friends crazy theory what do you think?