The fate of your bets.

Discussion in 'General' started by Nizbomb, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. Just for entertainment purposes...take a bet on what will happen to us. Will we eventually fail and destroy ourselves, or will we survive and prosper throughout the universe for the rest of eternity? Personally.... I think the world is fucked, but I can't just sit back and watch the show. I am apart of it, so i'll be fuckin' damned if I don't try my hardest to make as much of a difference as I can, or at least see fit. But, i'm sure we'll reach that PSR* and blaze right on past it into annihilation

    *PSR - point of safe return
  2. The movie "Limitless" is kind of a metaphor for this thought...interesting.

    Eventually if we became smart enough and advanced enough we could prevent any attack on humanity.

    I don't think we'll reach the PSR though.

  3. If we had that drug, I think it would be illegal as absolute mother fuck
  4. I say we'll all be dead before 2100.

  5. Yeah definitely. The people who used it would make it illegal...since they'd have the power to do so and would want it all for themselves.

    I just didn't understand why the other people who died from it didn't think to research pharmaceuticals and re-create the drug for themselves if they had all that brain power :confused:

    I guess that's what he did but it sure did take him long enough.

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