I never join these, put I do find come across some pretty entertaining ones while perusing my news feed. I understand you got your swag on but could you please walk a little faster | Facebook This one, the creator is either a moron, or a genius. Having a good day intell some one says something dumb. | Facebook Walking away from explosions without looking at them. | Facebook Single line my ass when there's a real fire im dippin | Facebook This one for pure randomness http://www.facebook.com/pages/-Look-a-band-aid/235169686223 This one for "teh lulZ" "I got a ride Mom." "With who?" "I don't know but they have candy." | Facebook Another lulzworthy one LikeThis | "Can I go to the bathroom?" "I don't know, can you?" ". . . I will pee on your floor."