The Ego

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Senior PoopiePants, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Damn. I'm watching this Youtube video of Joe Rogan talking about DMT when he was on Opie and Anthony show, and he brings up the ego. It got me thinking.

    What is it with the ego? Are we not the only creatures on the planet with it? What makes us so special?

    I am agnostic, so the bible or religious answer is out for me. But whatever. Dig it:

    [ame=]YouTube - Joe Rogan - DMT Changes Everything[/ame]

    But on a more relevant note, I've never done DMT before. I've done my share of psychedelics (Special K was my favorite), and I've benefited off of them. But the day I do DMT, I know it will be a life-changing experience. Damn!!! :smoking:
  2. The ego is what rules most humans nowadays. And I think many religions aim is to see past the ego for what the entirety of your being is.

    Seperating your ego and realizing it for what it is can do wonders for your psyche.

    Joe Rogan man. Going straight hippie on us. It's great.
  3. #4 Highest, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    I wanna do DMT now

    seriously, how can I get DMT?
  4. DMT is truly an incredibly psychedellic, far beyond anything else I've ever tried. I have a detailed trip report of my most intense trip in my stash pickup (click my signature pic).
  5. Find someone connected

    or extract it from the correct plants

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