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The "Dude.. Im so high :)"

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ToTheDome, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. Alright GC we ALL went through this stage so don't try bullshitting anyone. Does anyone remember roughly how Long it took to exit this stage of mystery and giggle fits to becoming a stoner who could handle themselves while interacting with general society?

    Cause it honestly only lasted me like 2-3months before I was beaten into submission by society but I have friends who just continue to act like it's some crazy ass psychedelic and shit.

    I'm So High :p
  2. Probably after like a month of smoking. I was still new to it so I was unsure of how well I could handle myself and it was just a giggle fest. After that, and having experiences with talking to people while high, I moved past that phase.
  3. Idk man it's been a looonnng time since those days
  4. As soon as I quit hanging around all the dumb shit stoner's who acted like that all the time when I first started smoking. Then I grew up and realized the only reason I want to smoke the tree is for me, and I only smoke alone anymore
  5. People generally piss me off when they muse about their high.

    It is so unnecessary and muddles my own high.... : /
  6. I stopped that phase around my 20th time smoking.
  7. Who gives a fuck. People judge to much. If they wanna say out loud how high they are, and that makes them feel better. Let them... Isn't the point of doing weed to feel good, so why would you try to suppress the feelings ?
  8. #8 ToTheDome, Jun 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Not judging here bro. Merely asking a simple question. alright mang?
  9. I only really remember being giggly my first few times I did it, the first time being the most extreme, and the next two or so times being quite mild. I remember my friend picked up my friend's lamp which was sitting on her drawer, and said her name to get her attention and smiled at her like a total stoner. I started laughing my cock off for absolutely no reason, and to this day I'll never know what was so funny about it lol. It was hilarious.
  10. #10 Nhan420, Jun 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2011
    Shit i wish i still got like that. That was when weed was just for fun, blazing with my highschool friends and shit. Im pretty sure we would laugh for like half hour about some shit somebody said. People would look at us like we were crazy but we didnt care as long as we were having a blast. Honestly to me that is what weed is all about, good times, good vibes with good people.:smoke:

    One of the greatest things on earth is when you and a friend aren't allowed to laugh for some reason (teacher, mad parent, etc) but there is just no stopping no matter how hard you try.
  11. #11 ToTheDome, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016

  12. It's kind of like those stupid drunk bitches who act way too retarded after drinking a couple coolers.

  13. Yeah dude i remember that happening to my two friends and I on a hotel elevator in Chicago.. We had just finished 3 joints on the 22nd floor where an outdoor spot was, and were in an elevator with an elderly asian man with a weird ass top hot. in the midst of the way down the 22 floors, I looked at my friend who had a retarted smirk on his face, and just couldnt hold back laughing. So there we were giggling like idiots, cramped in a 5 person elevator with 4 people.. we tried so hard to act normal but couldnt fight it. the guy walked out when we got to the 5th floor, and said "thats a unique cologne you boys have on" and left. Ahh gotta love the High School days.

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