the dreams you have when you go to sleep stoned

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by blazeking93, May 6, 2010.

  1. ok this is s thread where you tell the weird dreams you have when u go to sleep stoned like for instance. One time i had this dream that i was in my room and i needed to get out of it and there was no door knob on the door and i wake up and i was really trying to open my door. lol
  2. I never had a stoner dream honestly.
  3. I really had the most random, bizarre dream a few weeks ago.

    I was at some really old mall by myself and I was walking toward a store that sold nothing but chocolate and vanilla pretzels. As I entered, I saw and old woman in a bear costume stealing a bag of vanilla pretzels. As I tried to chase after her, I dropped my credit card in the middle of mall. As I go to pick it up, I looked up to see that I was in a whole different room that was all white with one circular window in the center of the wall. The old lady with the bear costume came out and the bear on her head came alive. So I guess she was a bear lady...I dont know, woke up at this point

    I woke up to thinking wtf was that all about?
  4. another dream i had was that i was running down a bowling ally i was like 12 in tall and getting chased by a 60ft tall ruberband ball i was running but staying in the same place and the ball was coming closer and when it got to me i tripped and then when i trip i was on a basketball court lol then i fell again and i showed up at school but naked :smoke:
  5. a few weeks ago after getting home after smoking with my friends i had a weird ass dream that i lived at my old house. i was in the front yard and it was dark outside and this big ass inflatable mascot looking thing came running at me. i tried to run away but it was too fast and it ended up tackling me like Goldberg. then i saw my parents and i tried to yell out for help but i couldnt make any sounds. it was scary as shit
  6. When i go to sleep high i dont dream at all. I just get nice deep sleep with no dreams.
  7. i can honestly say every time i go to sleep high i have never ever had a dream. i just wake up feeling like i had the greatest sleep of my life :smoke:
  8. usually dream about run ins with the cops, or having sex
  9. I'm sure the stoner dreams i have are crazy but i can never remember them
  10. i have crazy dreams that i remember every night, when im stoned they are a little more trippy than usual

    like a few nights ago i went to bed stoned and i had this dream that i was on a safari theme park type thing, i was on this boat in a river with massive jungle monuments everywhere, and giant trees, it was cool

    unfortunately there were alligators in the water everywhere, then there was a drop off where our boat turned into little canoes with a few people in each, and they went down this incline then off a jump where the boats did little 180 tricks lol, it was wild

    then i was in a room with my friends, and i bought the most beautiful mushroom chocolates from one of them who is the only one who never trips lol, he had a full briefcase of them. then i went on a bike ride through a desolate neighborhood with the shrooms in my pocket, it was late at night and snowing. my rents picked me up, then i woke up
  11. Whenever I'm stoned before bed I either don't remember my dreams, or they're sexual dreams. That's about it. And mostly, I just don't remember them. I have the best dreams when I'm sober.
  12. everytime i sleep when im real stoned i have epic dreams but it's alot harder to remember the next day compared to if i didn't smoke.

  13. Same for me, I never dream when i'm stoned. But as soon as I take a tolerance break I get the most lucid dreams ever.
  14. Ive had so many...Back in like 10th and 11th grade i used to smoke before i went to sleep maybe like 5 hits or something. I wish i had some dreams on video
  15. I never dream when I'm stoned, I'd smoke 24/7 365 for the rest of my exsitence if I had the money to do it.

    If i go a while without a doobie or bong hit I will dream very intensly , usually escaping a labyrinth or cruise ship... with something chasing after me or a time or score to obtain... but that's like once or twice a year tops thank god.

    As a kid I barely slept, I'd stay up all hooked on Vids till like 4 am then catch some quick shut eye till 6 or so and watch cartoons till school.

    Slept alot during school, math... social... anything that wasn't gym basically.
  16. haha good bump. I cant say I really remember having dreams when I'm stoned, its only on T breaks that my dreams come back, and they come back in full color and more vividly for a time. I love t breaks for this reason, theyre sooo intense - I'll wake up and itll take me a min to sort out dream from reality its like an intense trip.
  17. Never in my life have I experienced a dream while high.
  18. I experience many dejavu dreams (excuse spelling) when i go to sleep high and i know this because of two things.
    -always go to sleep high or I can't.
    -instantly remember the dream when the flash forward or w/e happens.

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