I personally enjoy drawing/sketching quite a lot, whether it be with pencils, charcoal, pens, pastels, whatever. I enjoy the acts of drawing/sketching and viewing the drawings/sketches others have. I'd start this with some of my own, but unfortunately, I do not have a scanner atm. So please feel free to post your stuff, I'd love to see it and I'm sure others would as well. I also figured that The Artist's Corner could use a drawing/sketching thread, hopefully there's not one here already but from what I could tell by skimming through threads there wasn't.
most of the time i draw/sketch shit, i usually end up tweaking it on photoshop to make it look better, but heres some raw pieces i did recently also, this thread gon be gud
Some great talent here. I'm hesitant to show any of mine. This drawing was a lesson I was giving my daughter to teach her how to light source and show dimension ....
That's cool. It's something different but I like it. edit: It's a little crazy for your eyes when all the individual lines are screaming 'go here!!!'