The "dope" munchies!

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Blueflame1986, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. Well I dont do H or anything like that, but when i'm nodding off on some oxy, hydro, codeine, pod tea or whatever I get insane munchies. Twice as bad as when i'm blazing which is pretty bad. Anyone else in the same boat as me? This Papa Johns pizza is bomb right now:smoking:
  2. naaw im usually too fucked up to care for food . its just not my focus .

    i prefer that im starting to hate the munchies cause i cant escape the shit
  3. i crave sweets!

    candy candy
  4. sometimes i eat a shit load when im noddin
    funny i also crave cady. jolly ranchers, nerds and resses peanut butter cups
    mmm dankness
  5. I never get hungry with opiates...just doesn't happen...
  6. If you do opiates enough you get hella hungry.

    Food tastes so fucking good when Im on the right amount of OC.
  7. same here. my appetite just isnt there.

    i do them quite often and have still yet to get "munchies" from them. I can eat occasionally.... but i've never had the urge to do so
  8. I'm talking opiate use everyday for a dozen months.
  9. i never ever get muunchies on opiates. in fact, i just blew 40 mg OC an hour ago and im noddin pretty nicely. I just get a stomachache and eating on anything above 40 mg of oxy equals throwing up
  10. FUCK YES DUDE. Holy shit I thought I was alone...

    Whenever I found myself on like 20 or 25mg's of oxycodone I would fucking eat sooooo much food or be really hungry (which sucked balls when I got my wisdom teeth out)

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