the doors.

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by RYANtheLION420, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. smoking is so calming while listening to the doors.. my favorites are the crystal ship, the end, back door man, soft parade, love street, riders on the storm, and many others! Who likes to toke and listen to the doors, or any music from the 60's and 70's, I love it all! :smoke:
  2. Both my folks love The Doors, I heard them a lot growing up. Great band for sure, Spanish Caravan is one of my favorite songs from any band. :smoke:
  3. the doors are fucking awsome man, so much better than the shit that is labelled as music today.
  4. The Doors are amazing man. Jim Morrison was a total boss haha. I love how they got their name from The Doors of Perception too. Any of you interested should read that, and the Heaven and Hell essay, both by Aldous Huxley. He wrote the novels Brave New World, and the Island as well. But the essays are about his experience taking mescaline, and how it helped him to explore the definition of consciousness. His insights are truly beautiful and at times prophetic; can definitely understand why they would name the band after it. Really awesome and short read.
  5. I am listenin to "love street" right now it gives me bittersweet feelings
  6. Doors, Floyd, Zeppelin, Hendrix.
  7. I am the Lizard King! Love The Doors

    Riders on the storm, Spanish Caravan, Mr Mojo Risin
  8. hahahahaha holy shit, im listening to the doors right hahahah. im listening to land ho on Morrison hotel
  9. Shaman's Blues is their most underrated song imo
  10. Yeah as much as I love my new music, I always find myself going back to the classics of the 60's and 70's, probably because it makes me feel less like I am where I am, and more like I'm somewhere else. Which is good, even if your life doesn't suck, because everyone needs to escape every once in a while, right? Or if your like me, everyday lol.
  11. I've had backdoor man in my head the last couple days...My faves are probably 'hello, I love you' and 'love street' but they don't have any bad songs

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