The documents in largo Margo trump got arrested for was proof the deep state was planning 2023 war

Discussion in 'General' started by letsmokeasweet, Oct 21, 2023.

  1. I post this is general section so more people can see this. The more people that understand what is really happening to this country the better.

    Information we are being presented though traditional means, is controlled and presented in a way, so we will come to a conclusion that is based off of false information; which in turn is effecting everyone’s life and hindering our pursuit of happiness. If you think everything is great and dandy, just keep your head down and keep on living.

    While trump was president, Milley keep approaching trump with war plans to attack Iran. (Does that make sense what with the deals we Make with them)

    some of The documents trump is accused of taking, were plans that the deep state was planning a war against Iran in the year 2023.
    Trump keep those documents with him. He wanted them as proof and to protect himself. They found out he had the proof so they went and got it back. As an insurance policy, they charged trump with stealing classified information.

    trump DID not want any wars. But they keep trying to drag him into one under his watch. He keep those papers so when it came time for he said, she said, he would have proof he wasn’t lying.

    This is what one of the court case is All about.
    • Informative Informative x 2

  2. I'm sorry. But the first time I heard Trump speak, the first thing out of his mouth was "We are going to build a wall." I thought, Oh, shit! This guy is racist. I do NOT VOTE BY PARTY, which it seems how everyone is voting these days. If I like a candidate and what he stands for, I'll vote for him. The first time I registered to vote, I was 18. I registered as a Democrat. The next election was between Regean, Carter, and some Independent guy. I think his name was Anderson. I voted for him because my boyfriend voted for him, yeah you don't have much sense at 18. But the next election I didn't vote Republican. I voted Dem. I voted for Clinton both times. I voted for Bush twice because I felt that after 9/11, he needed to finish what Bin Laden started. I voted for McCain because I didn't think Obama had the experience, but he proved me wrong. When Trump came along, I listened to what he had to say. Not once but several times. I gave the S.O.B. the benefit of the doubt. He kept preaching about all the Mexicans were coming over here to rape the women, bring drugs into the country, and steal our jobs. What B.S.!!! That is the exact same thing that Hilter preached. What jobs are they stealing? Just sit back and think. If you weren't a high school grad, what jobs would you be able to get with very little if any education? None right? Very few if any graduate high school because Mexico is still considered a third-world country and yes if you see an opportunity to feed your family on a regular basis, you are going to take it. And from my experience, from what I have seen working in the field of manual labor with no college education at the time, yeah, you wouldn't mind having someone come over here and take the jobs that don't pay very well and have no benefits. So I'm sorry but I'm not voting for Trump. He read up on Hilter according to his ex-wife. And if Hilter repeated the same lie, three times, the population would believe the lie. Trump obviously admired Hilter a great deal. Considering he was the biggest mass murderer in history. Everyone deserves to live regardless of their background. There is no place for bigotry in this world. We are beyond that! If we are going to mature as a species.
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  3. I agree there is no place in the world for bigotry. And we go past all of that. If others want to live that way, fine, leave them in our dust. WE are better than that! Are you?

    to be honest, I would read up on the history of hitler and learn more about him. How he made his way up. What his management style was like. He did something right to get to the position he was in. He had the support of millions. What did he do and say to earn that support? As evil as what he did—I’m just saying, I would learn more about the prison camps and the people that were rounded up. It wasn’t just Jewish people. Regular citizens were also rounded up. History only reported in the Jewish people

    why? Why did history only put the spotlight on the Jews ? Others were killed as well. But no one talks about that

    unfortunately, we can’t trust history we are told, and we can’t take just one sides word of things. There are many sides to things, not just two.

    As far as the trump thing-
    to understand better, u have to start with the premise that ‘trump’ did not win in 2016

    clinton lost- the globalist lost. As did the American people, for voting for trump.

    at that time, a lot of people were tired of the usual bullshit going on in the American political world. What we did not understand at that time, was that america was shifting from an ‘American government ’ to a ‘world government’, a governmental agency that Americans would have to answer to; so now imagine not only having to pay a income tax every April to the federal government, but you will also be paying a income tax to another governmental agency.
    You will also have to follow new rules and regulations in ALL aspects of your life. You will have someone else to answer to, besides Uncle Sam. Is that what you want?

    the people didn’t want that. They still don’t. The global government is pushing it though, against the American people wishes…carter…Reagan..bush…Clinton…bush…Obama- after all of that, the American people were sick and tired of it. They did not want to continue down that path the previous presidents have put the American people on-so they voted for trump
  4. Trump is NOT our friend, not by a long shot. Look at that Fair Tax Act that they are trying to pass. That bill was one of the first that the MAGA Republicans filed. It eliminates the "Employment Tax," Social Security. Where is the money going to come from to fund Social Security? The Republicans want to start a national sales tax on EVERYTHING. It will start out at 23% and top out at 30% at the end of so many years. 30% SALES TAX ON EVERYTHING!!! Food, car, house, entertainment, gas, utilities, etc. I don't know about you but my $700 A MONTH doesn't go very far. And it also defunds the IRS and we don't have to file taxes anymore. That is a shit show waiting to happen. No ONE except the super-rich will be able to afford to do that. I will lose my disability check. But I also know if Social Security is de-funded, so will all of the other programs that are out there to help the poor. Medicaid, Extra Help program for senior citizens who can't afford medical care or medicine. And there are people living in nursing homes that don't have any family. I know for a fact that nursing homes are funded through Medicaid, if that funding gets cut off, those people will be on the street because nursing homes want to make a profit. The gap between the rich and the poor will widen greatly. It will be like that Matt Damon movie Elysium. The poor are used and treated like cattle by the rich. Trump is a narcissist. I once read that he told a story about how he and his wife were at a dinner and the people hosting it also had dancing. Trump was dancing with his wife when a man collapsed and hit his head on the marble floor. His head was bleeding blady because you have a lot of blood vessels in your head. I'm sure the average person would be worried if the man was going to be alright. Trump? No! He said that he was more worried about the man messing up that beautiful marble. He has no empathy. And I think that is a must when you are the leader of a country. Especially if a natural disaster like a flood, earthquake, tornado, or a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, which Trump ignored and hundreds of thousands of people died. My daughter worked as a nurse during that and I worried about her every day. You must care for others, and Trump doesn't. A narcissist needs to be adored 24/7 and if they are not they lash out, especially if people turn against them. It's not the Republican Party I'm against, it's just Trump that I have a problem with. There's a theory going around the net that Trump told a billionaire friend of his about where Israel is vulnerable at and that is where Hamas attacked them from. That place where the Israeli military was the least. Trump can't keep his mouth shut. And the one job he wants is the last place he needs to be.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. The military always has contingency plans. They need to be ready for whatever may or may not happen. There was no intention of starting a war with Iran. Just another fabrication.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. It sounds like they are overhauling the tax code????

    so your saying they are getting rid of the irx, and instead of having to file paperwork every year, we just pay a sales tax or a consumption tax? So no more business’s having to pay their share of employment tax either? It sounds like a good idea if you think about it

    social security??? By the time I get that age, they won’t have any of that money anymore. They say ss is out of money anyways. Our wonderful politicians spent all that money allready. They have to borrow money so they can pay out ssi payments.

    it’s going to hurt (EITHER WAY, ITS GOING TO HURT) but it may be time to back away from all of these benifits. Especially since they are giving ILLEGAL ALIENS, a bunch of money. Non American citizens are getting more benefits then American citizens are getting.

    Maybe it’s time to stop paying income taxes. A lot of poor people will not support that idea because they depend on those income tax refunds and they need the rich people to keep paying in

    the country is all kinds of fucked up
  7. Yes, it is. I won't deny that. But I can not and will not, in good conscience, vote for someone who can't keep his mouth shut about things pertaining to National Security. It was reported by someone who worked in his administration that he wanted to nuke Iran! Is he nuts? Those warheads are not to be launched unless someone strikes us first. And with him in the White House, cannabis will never be legal. His brother was an alcoholic and because of that, he thinks his brother is a loser. Anyone who drinks is a loser in his eyes. And he doesn't like drugs. Okay, let's say your dream comes true, Trump is re-elected. The Fair Tax Act was passed. There is no more IRS, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. 30% tax is added to everything. You will have to pay an extra $30 for every $100 spent at the store. Extra $10k for a new car, extra $100k for a house. Are you going to be able to afford that? I won't. There is no more SS so the people living in nursing homes will have to find other places to live. And if they have no place to go, they will be put out on the street. You don't think people won't do that? Look up on YouTube about a Louisville, KY hospital dumping elderly and sick people on the side of the street after being discharged from the hospital. You sound like one of those rich people that was featured on The Young Turk show. Some rich guys were sitting around drinking expensive bourbon and smoking expensive cigars saying, "Why don't they make the poor pay more taxes." And I guarantee that Trump, at the end of his four years, will try to stay in power, permanently. Because that is what dictators do.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. Trumps ability to cripple people's thoughts process with emotions is undefeated. The man might be a douche, people might not like his politics, but undeniably people have extreme bias for or against Trump. Almost exclusively reacting emotionally on either side.

    The people I like to hear from the most are people who know it's all a show. Political theatre for all of us idiots to think is real.

    You've heard of Netflix yeah?

    There's a live action play going on called American Politics.
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  9. I can't fucking stand him as a human being, but anyone claiming our country and the world is in a better place now than it was when Trump was in office are just in denial and have a blind hatred for the guy.

    Everything the Democrats claimed would happen under Trump never happened, but it's ALL happening under Biden and Harris now and not a fucking peep about it from liberals.

    If I have to choose between Biden or Trump, I'm voting for Trump over n over again. Biden should be in a retirement home, not the white house. The guy is a walking corpse. But no... Trump.. orange man bad.. lol.. give me a break.

    Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  10. #10 letsmokeasweet, Oct 24, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2023
    First all-my dream isn’t trump being president

    In all honestly, that would be a nightmare. You saw how the country behaved when he was president.

    my dream is to come home to my family.
    we lost everything in harvy and had to start over. We still live with other family members. Almost there, but it seems just a bit out of reach.

    With the taxes, there’s so many things taxes influence. If you eliminate income taxes, prices for everything will go down. The cost of doing business will go down. If taxes account for 30% of the cost in an item, that item will be 30% cheaper.


    Rich people feed the serving class. Rich people buy expensive cars and boats. They travel. They buy stupid shit with their money. Who u think builds all that? Who u think serves them their stupid little dishes at tea time? Who u think maintains those cars. Cleans them. All that money rich people have, works it’s way down to us poor people.

    I build fences, if no one had any money, how am I going to have any business? Who is going to be able to afford my services? If I drop my cost, how am I going to afford to live and put food on the table?


    your may be right, trump dosnt like losers. He wants to be a winner and while he is at it, he wants you to be a winner. What’s wrong with wanting to be a winner?

    a lot of people have been conditioned to think like a looser. Yea I said it. They have been conditioned to behave a certain way. To be keep down. To never achieve their greatness , their destiny and what is in their plans.

    you know what I think is unfair? Me, I pay maybe 15k in taxes a year, Before all of the deductions.

    the guy down the streets earns twice as much, he ends up paying 30k in taxes…why is he paying more than me? How is that fair? Just because he makes more he has to pay more?

    We are both the same and equal, if anything, he makes more money and puts that money back into the economy, I’m not as productive to the economy, yet, he pays more????

    why and how is that fair? The more you make, the more you pay? How does that encourage you to go out and make
    More money, if you are just going to have to pay more in taxes?

    YOU DONT. Like many, thanks to the tax code, most people, get money back at the end of the year, so they have been conditioned NOT to pay taxes.

    in turn, they don’t know what it’s like TO PAY TAXES, so it is very easy for many to believe that the rich needs to pay more.

    these things haven’t happened overnight and took a very very long time to come into fruition
  11. Clinton rules 101
    Accuse the other guy of what you are doing

    so whenever someone comes out and says trump is going to be a dictator. He is going to get us in ww3. He is going to cause division in the country. I cringe,

    not because that is what THEY say trump is going to do or are doing. Because, THEY are clearly the ones in power now and are the ones doing it

    Sure enough, they did it. It’s all bullshit to. We can be living under peace now.
  13. I know what it's like to have to pay in taxes. When my ex went to work at a concrete company in another state, the company owner's wife did the books and paid the workers. She was also an alcoholic. My husband's paycheck bounced a LOT. And she never took out Kentucky state tax so we had to pay it every year. And believe me that hurt. We were trying to survive off of $200 a week with two kids in school and my hubby driving to another state just to work. And in the construction business, if it rains, you don't work. So that took a chunk out of his yearly pay. I thought about going to work but I called around and it was going to cost me $100 a week per child for them to be in daycare. So I stayed home. We did not qualify for food stamps so I had a garden every year. Thank God we had a large front yard. The cars we had were junkers so we had to buy them cheap and if something went wrong with them, we had to fix it ourselves. I have learned how to change a transmission, alternator, starter, fan belt, windshield, backglass, window, and headlights, I know how to change valve cover gaskets and brakes, and I can change a tire, and replace a battery. So yeah, I know what it's like to be poor. And to tell you the truth, from what I have seen of people that have money, that is all they love is money. As Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven." Now do you know what Jesus meant by that? Rich people only have one God and that is money. Trump loves power and money, nothing else makes him happy. And he looks at women like they are meat and not human. His father was an asshole and Trump became one just to make his father happy. And Trump is NOT a good businessman. He filed for bankruptcy 4 times. He was about to go under when that production company approached him about a tv show, and that is what saved his ass. So now he wants to be in the most powerful position in the world? I don't think we can handle another four years of him.

    Sorry, I'm voting Blue this year and in 2024. I'll never vote Republican again. They showed their true colors when Trump was in office. They are racist. Period. I will be moving out of Trump Country which is known as Indiana. Hopefully never to return. With him in office, cannabis will never be legal. I hope he does win re-election. Just to watch everyone on this board bitch because he undid all of the legalization that has swept across the country.
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  14. #14 letsmokeasweet, Oct 25, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2023
    Don’t be sorry. Never apologize for your actions. Always stand by your decisions.

    I don’t think there is anything like democrats or republicans anymore. Red or blue anymore. The two parties have merged into one that supports the globalist. These people believe in a world government, governing over everyone. Trying their best to make everyone equal and everything the same. Issuing taxes and even more rules and regulations. These people believe in bringing everyone down so everyone is equal. Not bringing anyone up. They will take away competition, which discourage advancement among many other things…

    I wouldn’t say they are racist, it’s 2023, but more so, they use race to keep you down and keep everyone divided.

    I don’t know about you, but I think it’s wrong when you are a large corporation and you have a management advancement program that is only open to white people, no one else can apply, unless you are white. Do you think that is ok?

    a lot of people don’t, and all that does is creat anger and division. What’s even worse, Best Buy is a pretty big company, and other companies are going to follow and offer the same program. Do you think that’s ok? To exclude someone into your
    Management program just because of their skin color?

    a lot of people are in positions with influence, not because of their performance, merit, or for earning it, but ONLY because of the skin color and sexual orientation

    when shit goes down hill, and it’s time for people to perform and excel, they won’t. They can’t. They have no idea what they are doing.

    And that’s one reason why many feel American armed forces will loose when confronted against others

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