The Doctrine of the Soul

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by seagoat, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. The title is a contradiction in itself, as there is no doctrine or dogma of the soul. The quality of the soul itself and the knowledge which the soul contains within itself is by it's nature opposed to all rigid doctrine of any kind. By the word doctrine, I mean doctrine in thought rather than doctrine in writing.

    The experience of the soul is entirely fluid and flexible. It is not subjected to the concretion of human thought and it is the basis of improvisation. This means that the qualities existing in the soul of a man are used wherever they happen to fit in. The life which the soul has chosen to live expresses this flexibility, even though there are always certain goals which must be met in any life; these goals being set according to the development of the individual.

    The personality of a human being is the consciousness which directs their emotional and mental matrix. The soul of a human being is the consciousness which directs their abstract-mental and buddhic-intuitive matrix. There aren't suitable words to express the activity of the soul, except that it is divine. The personality belongs to the soul and is the shadow of the soul. After a certain amount of personality perfection has been attained through Earth life, a special and unique process begins to happen.

    Through hundreds of incarnations the human soul has reaped the rewards of experience and wisdom. Throughout all these incarnations the soul has usually set up some kind of primitive connecting link with the personality. The nature of the connecting link varies far too much to go into any detail; it is a personal and private link. In time there will come a life when the link has expanded to such a degree that the soul is able to bathe the personality in its light, and eventually lift it up. The two points of consciousness are slowly drawn closer, eventually meeting and blending, thus transforming the personality. This process can be accelerated through meditation, service and aspiration.

    The soul is the reason why the personality is incarnated. The life purpose of every person may be generalised from this perspective. This purpose is to perfect the personality and bring it to a point of integration wherein the higher-self is able to ensoul the personality, with the personality likewise co-operating with the will of the soul. This is a process which takes many lives to accomplish, and is being accomplished in the mass of humanity on an unconscious level.

    The conscious soul-infusion brought about through conscious soul-contact is what creates the stories of saints, of people "touching God" and of all similar stories. From the point of the personality, the soul-energy is a feeling of ecstacy, unity and goodwill. From the point of the soul, it is simply a process of "looking down" and giving oneself.

    The process of soul-infusion is an act of transforming one's subjective and unconscious inner life into the ordinary consciousness. Any person who has studied the subject understands that every human being is in possession of an internal and intensely personal inner subjective mentality and framework. Soul-contact serves to make this subjectivity "come out" into the waking consciousness. This is an automatic process. We should bear in mind that from the standpoint of the personality, the soul is intensely subjective. This statement can be taken at face value.

    The Christian belief of having God "see" and "watch over" your daily actions carries more truth in it than the belief that there is no such thing. When people pass away, it is ALWAYS the will of their own soul. Yet anyone who has achieved a measure of true soul-contact will know through first-hand knowledge that there exists not "your" soul and "my" soul, but that there is One Soul which is ours. The division of each soul does exist, but on higher planes this division is non-existent. The connecting link is love. The soul itself is the lower reflection of something more divine. To be inside someone and yet still retain one's identity is the state of "isolated unity" which the Masters experience.

    Soul-love is brought into manifestation during many ordinary activities. Literally anything which you love doing and have intense passion for is a lower expression of soul-love. The activity itself does not matter so much. Things like rapping and dancing can be greater than pouring one's heart out in other ways because it all depends on the amount and the quality of the love brought down in the activity. The love which we have for our children and in true friendships are also lower expressions of higher love. Apart from the consideration of love, the activity of dancing is particularly potent in aligning the soul with the body. When confronted with His Presence, David the psalmist of Israel danced before the Lord in pure bliss.

    The process of soul-infusion mirrors, on a tiny scale, the activity of Deity when He uses His love to give life to substance. It is common knowledge that our Sun is the expression of God on the physical plane; the body of God is a fitting expression of the love which exists on less physical levels. Therefore we see that the personality is merely the soul attempting to express itself through physical plane consciousness, kept for a lifetime and then discarded. The reason why the soul itself cannot proceed down into substance without the aid of a personality is one of the secrets of consciousness.
  2. Nicely written. Easy to read. Made a lot of sense.
  3. nice post!
  4. Indeed, well written. However, I wonder how much discrepancies are in it

  5. Which bits do you think contain discrepancies?
  6. Sweet job OP, I really enjoyed reading this and I think that it aligns perfectly with my belief system and this is just awesome. Thanks!

    Do you have any other info similar to this?
  7. #7 Timesplasher, Feb 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2013
    Very imaginative/artistic even.
  8. Thanks for the comments!

    Perhaps he means that the concepts I've put forth contradict the first paragraph.

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