I can't wait to hear how this plays out. I'm in a different time zone so I'm sure the meeting has barely begun. This is gonna be landmark if it passes. Hear that Tennessee? Get on this shit. Also, Kentucky should do this too, instead of passing a law that says if you have THC in your blood you can be incarcerated.
this is almost too good to be true... i mean.. holy shit. there has been no mention of the goings on in cali then... BAM FUCKIN LEGALIZE IT out of nowhere... being a resident of california, and a student, i know first hand what kind of crisis this state's in as far as the budget is concerned. i pray to god this passes and we can get this budget in order and i can get my financial aid next semester:] this is so great! thanks for posting this! im tellin all my friends
The other thread should be merged into this one or something. This is good news, but this bill is not gonna pass any time soon. For this bill to pass, a lot of money needs to be put where it will help reduce negative attitudes and misconceptions about weed.
was this posted in the right thread? I agree with everything you said except the OP supports legalization. Also, federal law trumps state law so even if this passes (and I hope it does) marijuana will still not be legal anywhere in the U.S. until the federal marijuana prohibition is ended.
Like has been said before, the more air time our cause gets, the better. Even if this does not pass, it will make people think. Something that is clearly lacking at present. If people can see benefit to this, such as funding education or healthcare, it may have a chance some day. People haven't lost hope in our "House of Cards" economy just yet. But if things keep getting worse, the industries that prohibition protects will not be able to provide jobs any longer and new industry will need to emerge. Add to that the narco state that Mexico appears to be headed towards, if it isn't already here. Things need to happen quickly.
Why isnt this getting more press coverage. This seems like a big deal and no news organization is taking it seriously. Seems like CNN should be talking about it or something.
Seriously.. i found it on Yahoo's main page.. only by setting my location to san fran and clicking on local news.
I guess I'll be relocating really soon. Hopefully I can get a job in the industry. Would be dope. No pun intended.
http://blog.norml.org/2009/02/23/norml-breaking-news-california-assemblyman-introduces-legislation-to-tax-and-regulate-marijuana-like-alcohol/ norml's article has a little more info and its a little more optimistic.
everybody from california needs to contact their assembly members, the mpp has a form letter and automatically addresses it for you. do it , it's so easy http://tinyurl.com/bw9gm2 and no, this is not a rickroll