The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan

Discussion in 'Politics' started by aero18, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. #1 aero18, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
  2. I think thats a broken link? I got to pbs website, but said video not found

  3. Thanks. It is fixed now.
  4. I saw some fucked up shit like that when I was there, our interpetur had some child porn on his cell phone, we almost killed him (not literally) when he showed it to us. He thougt it was perfectly normal and didn't understand why we were upset about it.

    Its part of there culture..

    America has a huge child pornography problem and a million other fucked u things, so who are we to judge on that particular subject.

    Over there the general rules is, men are for pleasure, women are for breeding.

    All the homos should love that place!
  5. Actually this type of perversion is something that most mainstream homosexuals in Western society would be disgusted by.
  6. That video made me cringe. How could anyone but deranged women find that attractive or enjoyable.
  7. All homo's condone trafficking and slavery of adolescent children and child prostitution?
  8. #8 garrison68, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    The standard homosexual taste in the West seems to be guys in leather and Levis, muscled, rough-looking, etc., sometimes just designer clothes. They don't want pretty boys dressed like women.

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