The Daily Trumper

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Green Wizard, Jul 13, 2019.

  1. Without context, how am I to comprehend your rationale?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Maybe there is no rationale. At least not enough to report. Idk...
  3. That statement doesn’t require context to grasp.

  4. This conversation doesn't deserve time to waste.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. And here you are. Wasting your time.
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  6. I disagree; eventually I hope to draw him out of his shell. He obviously feels strongly about his position, just hesitant to illuminate.
  7. What position are you referencing?
  8. I didn’t imagine my previous statement was that cryptic.
  9. Still hoping to have you explain why the homeless problem you alluded to is due to democratic control or socialism. So far, logic is the only response.
  10. He's a trumper. They don't have positions. They just have silly little chants and memes about a cartoon frog. lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Incredibly high taxes including property taxes. Govt intervention and price fixing. Democrats are attempting to cure problems based on an emotional response and not a logical response. More govt intervention causes more problems than it has ever solved. Govt has been fighting the war on proverty, drugs, and terrorism for how long now? Have they won yet?
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  12. I have positions. I want to see why other people hold their positions. Most I’ve seen are based on emotional triggers with no regard to functionality.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Well as far as homelessness goes a lot of the solutions proposed to "fight homelessness" just end up spending a ton of money enabling the lifestyle. We had a homeless camp spring up on city property last summer. Not only did the city struggle to evict them, the courts even ordered my city to provide them water access, free garbage collection, etc.. Word spread of this and a camp that originally housed like 20 people in April grew to about 300 people by August.

    Constant shoplifting, dozens aggressively panhandling outside the nearby mall, stabbings and fights on the regular, dudes overdosing in tents and dying, it was getting out of hand. I know people take pity and want to help these people but there's a certain type of person who is not interested in turning their life around and will simply use that help to further their destructive lifestyle.
    • Like Like x 3
  14. Much more informative, thank you. When we share, we learn. I agree that overreach and misdirection hampers our ability to move in a more positive direction. The wars on poverty, drugs, and terrorism are jingoistic and seek to corrupt patriotism.
  15. Are you an anarchist, then? Isn't that the theme of the song, anarchism? No countries, everyone living together in peace and harmony? I'd go for that. No countries, no governments, and no taxes = no benefit checks, no food stamps, no housing assistance, and no free health care. The name of the song is Imagine. You're not only supposed to listen to the words and melody, you're supposed to be imagining a world with no governments and I think you forgot to imagine how exactly that would work in real life. What are you going to do with all of the guys who don't give a shit about living in harmony and would prey upon a society that has no legal system? Imagine they don't exist? It would be a world where the strong thrive and everyone else lives in fear.

    John Lennon was one of the greatest songwriters of all time but he wasn't too much of a realist. He didn't live in the same world as you and I, he lived in a world where anything he wished for simply appeared. Maybe he did actually think a world without governments could succeed, I don't know. One may think Lennon's song was a blueprint for a perfect world and maybe it is but if we lived in a perfect world he wouldn't have been shot to death. Instead of imagining a world without strife, he should have been imagining what could happen if he walked about New York without security.

    Or did I miss your point?
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  16. I wouldn't do that, I still have hope for you.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. The song is all about idealism; shining a light on our better nature where strength over weakness isn't the metric and empathy provides for the equitable distribution of resources. Rainbows, laughter, and bubbles are universal in their ability to brighten even the darkest soul but I fear you see a downside to these as well.
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  18. @mollyjamila - There's still hope for you to become a trumper. All you need is a truck, a maga hat, and a confederate flag in your front yard. :roflmao::roflmao:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. lol lol lol lol lol lol
    I’ve got the obligatory lesbian truck with a three percenter bumper sticker
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