Come one, come all, exercise your memory and will power for the next week. If your like me, you have a tendency to swear quite a bit, so I am issuing this challenge to anyone whose interested. As of tomorrow ,october 7th, until october 14th, see if you can post without swearing. I looked at the search and you can search by username as well as the dates, so at the end we'll be able to search back through our posts (so long as you don't cheat and use the edit function) to see if any swears slipped. It's pretty pointless to cheat using the edit, since it's not like your winning anything lol, unless you want to boost your ego or something haha. Are you gentle-MANLY enough?? or womanly lol
I refuse to censor myself unless my mother-in-law is in town. FUCK, I forgot, she gets here tomorrow for the weekend.
Fuck, Will beat me to it. Censoring yourself is how you kill creativity so curse all the fuck you want.
I'm down. I rarely cuss IRL, don't think I do too much on here either. Shouldn't be too challenging, ha.