The CURE for all

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Hello GC warriors,

    I am new to GC. I have come across a man named Rick Simpson who has cured his skin cancer, others of terminal cancer(including lung cancer), all for free. He makes a highly concentrated THC HEMP OIL that is ingested(one drop per day!!!!) He states it can treat/cure most human diseases/illnesses. I have been researching this topic for over 5 years. It's true. Eastern countries have been doing this for over 5000 years!!! I am a cured Alcoholic of 24 years. I have tried everything, I believe this is the CURE for Alcoholism, drug addiction, and all of your illnesses. I have also treated my degenerative osteoarthritis(both knees) with just regular hemp(when I can find it in FL:(
    Please look at the videos at my youtube channel. I beg you, it will save you and your loved ones from all this needless suffering because of Corporate/Government Greed/Lies/Profit. I am emailing everyone of influence in Mass Media till someone listens.
    I swear to all of you that till I die I will get this CURE to all of you. That, I can guarantee. "The journey of a 1000 miles begins with ONE first step." Lao Tzu
  2. Wow sounds pretty amazing, I'll definatley look into this thanks =]
  3. never trust a hippie
  4. Yeah man, there's another member on here who was advocating this guy for a while. Sounds pretty far out, and I have no doubt it's true. :smoking:
  5. ^ like the B17 vitamin found in unprocessed foods?
  6. Ganja is the miracle drug.
  7. #7 stoner_lukas, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    Problem is, none of what he says can be corroborated by actual science. The people he "cured" either did not have the issue they said they had, or it went into remission. All you have to do is spend some time on Google to see that this man, and the product he is pushing, is a fraud.

    "Eastern countries have been doing it for 5000 years." Proof? As far as I've been able to tell, many of the same afflictions that plague us have been plaguing them for 5000 years...and they still get those diseases, and even some that we don't know of here in the US. Propaganda propaganda propaganda...and not particularly good propaganda. Anytime you appeal to something 'foreign' you're going to have people that eat it up like hotcakes...despite the overwhelming amount of proof otherwise.

    No doubt weed can alleviate the pain caused by many illnesses, but it is not a one-stop cure all for cancers and such. If it were a whole hell of a lot more people would be using it.

    If this supposed miracle cure actually worked, and has worked for over 5000 years, we would know quite a bit more about it...and there would be significantly less suffering in the world. All you're doing is mocking that suffering while appealing to faulty reasoning. For shame.
  8. I think it should work too. But where exactly are you supposed to get it, cause I dont think dealers would be carrying it here. Or can you make it yourself?
  9. Its a really 2 side arguement. But seeing what Hemp oil has done for my Juvenile diabetic friend changed my mind for sure. His sugars are constantly regulated, (he still checks his sugars on a less frequent basis just to be safe), all of his side affects vanished, he no longer takes insulin injections... its a miracle.

    A lot more research into Cannabis extract must be done in a non biased scientific field. Because honestly, whos gonna take the guy seriously that proclaims "Weed cures cancer!"
  10. and caffers dont have lips
  11. #11 Mr. Mojorising, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    I have to agree with this now I am not saying no one was cured but the placebo effect is a real and powerful thing that can and does cure people.

    Until a drug or treatment is subjected to clinical trials and compared to the placebo effect and shown to be effective its all just unscientific speculation.

    Thats the proublem with all these healers and miracle treatments none of them have been proven to be effective in a proper scientific contex. So even if some are valid there are far more frauds and scammers that real treatments. So they can not be trusted and may even be very dangerous.

    I am not passing judgement on Rick. All I am saying is until any claims are verified in a proper scientific manner I aint buying it.

    Cannabis is certainly a valuable medicine I do not mean to imply its not. Its a shame it has been on the Gov hit list they have slowed research that may have saved and improved many lives but thats the Bastards Job I would expect nothing less than ignorance from them.


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