The Cosmic connection and you....

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by chiefMOJOrisin, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. As I sit here typing this, I am connecting with the cosmos. The physical connection between my fingers and the keyboard is re-uniting long lost elements and molecules that strayed apart from one another one day millions upon millions of years ago.

    It blows my mind to think that the plastic keys, the white paint displaying the symbols, the black coloring, the sliding wood panel that houses the keyboard on which I rest my wrists, my wrists, my silver bracelet, my hemp bracelt, my skin, my veins, my bones, and my soul......... all come from the same cosmic materials.

    I was tripping over the weekend and I thought it would be unreal if it were possible to actually tell which raw materials came from what comet/asteroid/supernova.... and what they ultimately formed.

    I think about a star about to go supernova.... somewhere several billions of light years away. What will be the result of this gargantuan recycling? Which new stars will form planets? Which planets will have life? Will those life-covered planets have black plastic keyboards??

    This all slips together into my personal belief that we are all of one cosmic soul. You, me, Obama, Osama, my lighter, your lighter, my weed, your weed.... all comes from the raw materials deposited into space.

    My hydrogen atoms are related to your hydrogen atoms. We, not just humans, not just life... we, as in every single thing ever in the history of existance, are cosmically bound at the soul.

    Now I just have to convince everyone else..........
  2. of corse... you do know that all the things you listed ..everything in this universe is made of exactly the same molicules... the house the tree the carpet what ever you can name right out to the stars...everything made of the same molicules.... protrons and newtrons our sientist call them- everything is made of the same thing!!! we are made of the same thing as the stars...

    we are the stuff of stars!!

  3. We are indeed.... and that is what connects us all.
  4. i am with you... my studys have led me to believe that when we find our way out of this physical plan and into the spiritual plane once again...that being where we come from we will truely be one again without the physical borders that keep us from truly conecting with one another in the plane the physical plane...this i could go into in much more depth
  5. Excellent post as always.:)

  6. the question is... what is 'matter'

    how did energy form matter... what is energy?

    the atomic level is big, we must get smaller
  7. just a guess... when energy is condenced to a certian point ...take a larg amount of it and smash or condence it untill it is in a space that cannot contain it force it into a solid form??
    like takeing something soft and crushing it into a small enuf space it becomes hard??

    could be way off just first thing that came to mind?from an abstract veiw

    from a spirtual veiw i would say simply trasfering from one plane of existainse to the next what is energey in a spiritual plane may be matter in a physical plane and then who knows what in another plane???

    what do you think?
  8. energy is also pehaps the molicules that make up everything simply in motion... the burning of a paice of wood creates is the returning of those molicules from physical "mater"to energy???
  9. We got smaller, that's where quantum mechanics comes in, as it goes beyond normal ideas of matter and energy - and even existence.

    Our growing understanding of matter can be seen as an evolution in just what the basic building blocks are, and in how they interact. For example, for Isaac Newton in the early 18th century, matter was formed "in solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, movable particles", which were "even so very hard as never to wear or break in pieces"[9] The primary or "real" qualities of matter were amenable to mathematical description (a kind of "billiard ball" model), unlike secondary qualities such as color or taste.[9] In the 19th century, matter was what is made up of atoms, at that time thought of as irreducible constituents of matter interacting to form molecules.[10] Subsequently, matter was seen as made up of electrons, protons and neutrons interacting to form atoms. Today we know even protons and neutrons are not indivisible, but the particulate theory still applies. Just the "building blocks" have changed; matter is constructed of more microscopic building blocks, namely quarks and leptons interacting to form (among other things) nucleons.[11]
    During this evolution of the building blocks over time, each generation has encompassed its predecessor, and so engenders the same properties of matter explored in the earlier epoch. However, the evolution of building blocks has followed probes of the properties of matter to smaller and smaller scales of length, and to higher and higher energies and densities; the new building blocks predict properties in regimes not previously accessible in the days of the earlier building blocks. The change in building blocks means that although matter still may be made up of atoms and molecules (because they are made from leptons and quarks), matter is more general than this, and can be made up of assemblies of leptons and quarks that are not atoms or molecules, such as a quark-gluon plasma, the form of matter believed to have existed in the first few microseconds of the "big bang", and to exist in neutron stars.[12]
    The quark-lepton building blocks interact through a number of fundamental forces, and are described by the Standard Model of particle physics (gravity so far included only classically; see quantum gravity and graviton).[13] Interactions are mediated by field quanta or force carriers, of which the W-boson and the photon are examples.[14] The interactions are not themselves building blocks, and consequently neither are their quanta. As one consequence, energy cannot always be related to matter: for example, photons possess energy (see Planck relation); however, photons commonly are distinguished from matter.[15] Also, mass cannot always be related to matter: certain particles are massive, such as the W-boson, but are not matter. Although the field quanta by themselves are not matter, in conjunction with a complex of building blocks like an atom or a hadron, they contribute to the invariant mass of the combination, for example, through a binding energy. [16][17]
    Matter is commonly said to exist in four states (or phases): solid, liquid, gas and plasma. However, advances in experimental technique have realized other phases, previously only theoretical constructs, such as Bose–Einstein condensates and Fermionic condensates. A focus on an elementary-particle view of matter also leads to new phases of matter, such as the quark-gluon plasma.[18]
    In physics and chemistry, matter and energy exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties, the so-called wave-particle duality or matter wave. In this connection, physicists speak of matter fields, and speak of particles as "quantum excitations of a mode of the matter field".[19][20][21]
    In the realm of cosmology, extensions of the term matter are invoked to include dark matter and dark energy, concepts introduced to explain some odd phenomena of the observable universe, such as the galactic rotation curve. These exotic forms of "matter" are not formed of the same building blocks that make up ordinary matter.[

  10. very nice bit of info!!! thanks

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