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The Cosby Show

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by debauch, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. I get some free time on mondays and wednesdays between work and class, so I blaze up and watch TV. Im watching the Cosby show right now and have come to the conclusion that Bill Cosby may be entirely blazed the whole show. In this episode, he is playing hide and seek with his grandchildren and accidentally knocks over a grandfather clock. When the grandkids come and find what he did, he tells them "Im not afraid of Mrs. Huxtable" (his wife). That is such a stoner thing to say. Sounds like something Chong would have said on That 70's Show. Then he makes up this whole song to get the kids to say they didnt know who broke the clock. Ive seen another episode where he wanted to eat a sandwich the whole episode and kept getting interrupted. again, stoner problem. I dunno, maybe he isnt, i just think its funny to watch the show thinking that he is. it explains why alot of things happen the way they do.

    on another note, im getting a QP later today. i had to make a big pick up for someone, and they wanted 3 oZ. At my regular OZ price, 3 would have been 840, so thats what they gave me. i talked to my dealer last night and he told me he can get a whole QP for 900, so im throwing in the extra 60$ and getting an oZ of some nice nuggets. i have some right now, heres a shot:
  2. that dank looks outdoorliscious

    and i bet bill cosby blazed.

    The episode your talkin about him eating a sandwitch is when he went to the docs and he had high blood pressure but he didnt care but his fam did.

    He was trying to eat like a huge sandwitch full of chips, that episodes classic.
  3. 9 BIlls for a QP is always a good price. Good stuff there debauch. I bet one of those bomb nugs in ur roor would KILL. MMMMMM I'll call that Dodi-licious =]
  4. did you see the episode where the kid was in school and some guy opened up a book and showed him a joint... hahaha
  5. ohhh, if they only knew ... lol i never thought about the cosby show that way before ... it all makes sense to me now haha:smoke:
  6. qp of dank is only 600 in toronto for the good shit
  7. QPs run for 1000-1100 for dank around phoenix metro area But the cosby show is the shit. I like the one where rudy's parents freak out when they find that rudys friend smoked a cig in her room.
  8. Hahaha I saw that one.

    Theo's sis:"Theo whats wrong? Did you get an F on a school paper?"

    Theo:"More like a J"

    Then when cosby confronts the kid who's J it was.

    Cosby:"Why did you stash that there there to avoid trouble?"

    Kid:"So I can smoke it later!"

    I cant believe I remember that.

    I remember I went to the first day of this job blazed as hell, and could have sworn the guy training me was also baked as hell. Turns out he never smoked. Oh well.

  9. another instant classic
  10. lol ive seen the sandwich one, his wife keeps interrupting him and trying to eat some of it....its fuckin funny
  11. im gellin, whos gellin?
  12. Dude, have you ever heard of a thing called a script? Actors don't just make up things to do and say on a show. There are writers who do that. They write a thing called a script that tells the actors their lines and gags.

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