The Corliss Institute: A Community Based Agency

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by peneloseth, Nov 2, 2013.

    Founded in 1982 The Corliss Institute, Inc. is a unique and innovative community based agency located in Warren, RI. We provide services for adults with developmental and other disabilities, with specialization for those who are deaf or with hearing loss and/or those with varying modes of communication. We appreciate those we serve as individuals with individual needs. We strive to provide all with the supports needed to lead fulfilling and satisfying lives in the community.
    Corliss serves individuals over the age of 18 who share a diverse range of disabilities and conditions that include limited vision and/or hearing, cognitive disabilities such as Down Syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, intellectual and developmental barriers, emotional and behavioral disorders, and other disabilities.
    Corliss provides its participants home-based services and supports in a Residential Program as well as educational activities for daily living skills in the Day Program. Medical supervision and support are provided as needed. These features and the provision of alternate communication modes for the Deaf or Deaf and Developmentally Disabled individuals make Corliss unique. In pursuing its mission, Corliss adheres to core values of safeguarding clients' dignity and individuality, providing excellent and appropriate service, fostering a meaningful sense of community, and providing agency leadership that advocates the highest standards of clinical, legal/ethical treatment and innovation within the field.
    the corliss group home agency, the corliss institute non profit group


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