The cops got my MFLB

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by zyxwv88, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. So sad. long story short, I was stopped by the cops, I found out that my license had been suspended recently because of an earlier citation for no insurance, and I hadn't gotten around to getting my insurance agent to send them my proof of insurance.

    So the cop ends up telling me that he wasn't going to arrest me like he could, but he couldn't let me drive, so he was going to have to take me down to the station for him to file a report. Then he said that they would have to tow my car because they couldn't leave it where it was (in a legitimate parking place on the side of the road). I never gave them permission to search my car, but they found my MFLB and about a gram and my scale when they towed the car. Around here that's just a citation, but it is frustrating that they search without permission when they weren't even arresting me for anything.

    The sad thing is that even if the didn't have any reason to search, although it might be enough to get the citation dropped, it wouldn't be enough to get me back my vape and weed. Might get me back my tupperware container the weed was in and my scale, but the vape is what I really miss. I got a chance to remember how much I really hate smoking today.
  2. Although if they were going to take it from me, I at least hope they get as much good use out of it as I did. Mmmmm. ;)
  3. wow that sucks man, i don't own a mflb but i've had a pipe taken from cops once. makes me want to cry just thinking about it :(
  4. they were allowed to search it. they we're taking custody of your car, and they have to search it when they do that. Same concept as when they arrest the driver for the weed that the passenger had, since it was in their car.

    but it sucks they took ur stuff tho
  5. aww RIP MFLB...i love mine and would be seriously bummed ....this ones for you and your late mflb

  6. Yeah, I was afraid that was the case. Either way I know that my MFLB is gone. It's only a citation, so it's not a big deal. The loss of my vape is worse than the cost of the citation now. I had just enough weed to last the weekend, and they got that too. I had about a gram or two as an emergency stash, and I broke into that today because i figured if there was ever an emergency that I need that stash, today was that day.

    Doesn't help that my dealer screwed me and ran off with about $200 my money (yeah, I know, I'm kicking myself far harder than you guys ever could. I knew better).

    It just sucks that I have to smoke my emergency stash instead of vaping.

    I'm going to see about ordering another one Monday. Anyone know anywhere super cheap to buy it? I bought my last one on amazon.
  7. That's why when you have any kind of paraphernalia or weed or anything in your car, you first make sure everything is legal and working (lights, plates, tabs, etc) and that you drive in a way that they would have no reason to pull you over.

    Still sucks though.

  8. I thought I was legal. Sucks to find out the hard way. :)
  9. Damn bro that sucks..I think it's time to look for a new dealer though
  10. Luckily, Blisssvile has an amazing warranty on the LB, same exact thing happened to mine, but i got it back as im a MMJ patient, but i had to jump through loop holes to get my stuff back (and i didnt get the bud back, i was compensated for its value, those assholes) but in the mean time, i contacted Blisssvile, and told them about what happened, after taking down the units number that was taken from me, they had a new one in the mail the next day. losing your LB falls under its lifetime warranty :)

  11. That would be nice. I'll have to look into that.

    And yes, I won't ever be going back to that dealer again. Actually if I could, I would just so I could beat the crap out of him
  12. my piece (pipe) was recently stolen by the police too. :( It was an american flag pipe with white stars and blue and red swirls. I chose this design for the very sake that there was a good chance i would be confronted by the police in the future. I wanted them to know that im proud to be an american, and that the herb has a long history in this country. i hope they understand the symbolism of the pipe...but of course they dont give a fuck. I feel for your loss:(
  13. Well, I did find that although they won't replace it when the cops get it, they do at least have a box only option that doesn't include the charger or any of the other extras that I already have. It's $65. Still a little more than I'd like, but it works well, so I'll probably order it (unless anyone knows any places to get them under $65)

    I also have an extreme Q4 that I've ordered that is on the way.

    And I have now learned the hard way that I really should keep all my crap at home and leave it safely tucked away where the cops can't get it if they pull me over.

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