The coolest things to stare at when blazed.

Discussion in 'General' started by IThinkItsTime, May 9, 2011.

  1. Hm, at the top of my head:
    -Human anatomy.
    -Google search "the fattest (insert animal here) in the world."
    -Porn. Not even to get off; it's just interesting with all the inserting and what not.
    -The smoke forming from a bong rip.
    -Someone's stoned-ass face. It's just fucking funny.
    -My own boobs.
    -My random friends' boobs.
    -Pictures of random ass shit like LOLcats.
    What's yours?(:)
  2. naked women
  3. 1 blade on a spinning ceiling fan.
    a spinning ceiling fan with a strobe light on.
  4. The moon.
  5. hell yes
  6. Christmas lights. Just little orbs of light hanging there...
  7. Rage comics.
  8. nothing. Just closing my eyes and thinking
  9. Big ass titties
  10. the rest of my bud haha
  11. #11 IThinkItsTime, May 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I know right? Doesn't bud kind of look like bread to you? XD
  12. #12 IThinkItsTime, May 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I stare at that shit even when I'm not stoned. Like try to watch it and only it just spin... Crazy shit man.
  13. #13 IThinkItsTime, May 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Thinking is amazing. I love philosophy.
  14. A white wall.
    Not even joking lol.
  15. stars in the night sky.
    the moon
  16. I like to go outside and break up a cracker while I watch ants carry the crumbs away. Just because animals and bugs fuckin amaze me with the shit they do/can do. :rolleyes:
  17. Word. When I'm high.....I'm stuck in my thoughts of how and why.
  18. #18 IThinkItsTime, May 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I like tracing little pictures from the bumps and ridges on my walls.
    LOL I sound like a psycho.
  19. My script... the words on a page.
  20. I love going for a drive in the NC mountains and find overviews with awesome sunrises/sunsets. Only a 30 minute drive...

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