The coolest places to smoke? Stories/Ideas

Discussion in 'General' started by StuckInMyMindd, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. The question is blades: If you could smoke anywhere in the world where would you smoke?/Where's the coolest place you HAVE smoked at.

    The coolest place I've ever smoked was up on top of a big hill during a thunderstorm at the lake. The hill I was on was overlooking a big campsite area on the shore. I could see lots of little dots of red where people where having fires. I could hear everyone's country songs playing. I'm not usually a country fan but in this moment it felt pretty cool. I could see jolts of thunder across the big sky, while rain poured down to the earth. It was fucking awesome in my opinion.

    If I could choose anywhere to smoke in the world I would want to smoke inside of a lighthouse at night during a small rain pour and lots of big waves crashing up against the earth that's holding the lighthouse up.

    Sorry if this is sloppy or doesn't make too much sense as I am very high. :smoke:

    Sent from the anus of my dog corkie.

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