the completely chaotic catasrophic universe-altering mind-fucking paradox

Discussion in 'General' started by marijuanagirl, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. photoshop + weed.

    Completely unnavigable under the influence.

    Do any of you not not fail on photoshop high???

    mmm i'mma get me some toaster strudel.
  2. i fail on that shit sober :confused:
  3. Back when I was using photoshop daily I found that I got stoned and somehow got side tracked... lol
    If I somehow managed to keep my mind set on photoshop I had some bomb ass ideas but I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to do it... And it wasn't like I was a complete noob at photoshop but I kinda forgot all my little techniques n shit, ya know..

    I just downloaded photoshop but haven't had time to bust it out yet and mess with it... Looking forward to it :smoking:
  4. I can't photoshop not high...

    I needs the green inspiration. :smoking:
  5. i suck a photoshop, but sometimes being high would be great for my music stuff, and sometimes i couldnt accomplish anything.
  6. That strudel wasn't nearly as yum as I had hoped...
    I need green inspiration for EVERYTHING, but photoshop + my brain high= illegible "abstract" nonsense.

    You go sister - three cheers for level-headedness

    smoke weed everyday :D
  7. like to play my my bongs when i'm stoned

    too bad it's midnight

    oh well

  8. bongos?

    someone photoshop me a sig. i cant do that shit. ill write you a love song, you create me some image i can promote myself with. the names mike btw.

  9. your your bongs???
    hahaha nice! not even iii am that stoned!!!

  10. OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

    that was the best laugh i've had in a LOOOOONG time . . .

    *giggles at it again*

    i can't believe i wrote "i like to play with my bongs"

    i meant bongos

    damn . . .

    funny shit
  11. you wrote 'i like to play with MY MY bongs.'

    and im sure thats not all you play with. you do the math. :D

    get a guitar kid.

    *oh and will some photoshopper make me a sig? please? lovesong trade stands.

  12. dood . . .

    great night for me on gc
  13. Quoting again for massive funniness.


  14. i think overwhelming is a better word
  15. Good grief I love you people.

    FUCK! i just wanna explode with my love for marijuana!!!!!!!!!!

  16. well dont explode. let the love implode.... into photoshop creativity in which you can utilize to make me a ballin ass sig.
  17. Marijuana + music + Photoshop = creativity
  18. I did my avatar in photoshop while high

  19. i'm not stoppin ya

  20. I can barely make a blur! let alone make a cig....but you know, i think i'll try. is there any specific way you wanted it?

    I will not be liable for my complete and utter failure!!! You asked, I'll give my best

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