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The Complete Guide On Keeping Yourself Out Of Jail/Trouble w/Pictures

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thereddfoxx12, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. #1 thereddfoxx12, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    The Complete Guide To Keeping Your Toking On The Down Low

    1. Use Discrete Toking Tools When Smoking Out Of Your Comfort Zone

    If you are out and about around town and want to take a toke in public, there are several ways to avoid detection and keep you from having an all around bad time.

    The best trick for this is to fool people into thinking that you are smoking a cigarette. There are two main ways to do this, first we have the one hitter that is disguised as a cigarette trick. The other option take a little more work but carries the added benefit of being about to eat it if the police catch on. There are two ways to go about this, method one is to cut the filter off a cigarette and empty the tobacco out so that you can fill it with weed. The second is to buy a box of unfiltered cigarette tubes and a hand roller, this is a more expensive method (runs you 15-20$) but can also be done in a minute or less.

    Cigarette One-Hitter

    one hitter cig.jpg

    Cigarette With Weed In It

    2. Keep Your Weed And Paraphernalia Out Of Site When Not In Use

    This is a relatively simple rule, but an important one nonetheless. The reasoning behind this rule is that you never know who may come into your house at any moment. You could end up in a situation where a cop comes to your door asking if you have seen anything suspicious, then you end up being arrested due to the bong sitting on the coffee table in front of the door.

    Proper Storage
    bedroom hidden.jpg
    In-proper Storage
    20090204-Obama bong.jpg

    3. Don't Tell Everyone That You Smoke

    The idea behind this rule is that the more people know you smoke, the more likely it is that the police eventually get word of it.
    This includes wearing weed related clothing and having weed related bumper stickers, this just make you a police target. I also recommend having eye-drops on you if you plan on going out.

    What You Should Look Like


    What You Shouldn't Look Like


    4. Keep The Drug Dogs Distracted

    When you go to pick up be sure to bring a clean mason jar, and an extra bag to store your weed in. The idea here is to eliminate any odor that the weed produces. Be sure to not smoke in your car, the smell of weed gives the police probable cause to search your car. Another good idea is to bring some dog treats, meat, or a cat with you, the idea is that the drug dog will be so focused on the cat or food that he will ignore the weed.

    Proper Storage Of Weed

    Drug Dog Distraction

  2. a few words magic flight launch box and an air tight contaner has saved my ass more than once
  3. Should I wrap my weed in bacon?
  4. Not unless you want the police to find the bacon and the weed:rolleyes:
  5. Lmao... good guide man. A lot of common sense but a good reminder :)
  6. Lol whats the purpose of the bacon?

    The cop would be more suspicious dude.
  7. The purpose is to distract the drug dog. I am not talking about uncooked bacon here, I am talking about cooked bacon that it looks like you are eating.
  8. Great guide man!

    Makes me so thankfull I live in California. Pariphranalia (like a bong) is legal, though the cops can still confiscate it, theres not even a fine. And up to an ounce of weed is a max $100 fine and only an infraction. :hello:

    Should be stickied
  9. I can usually find a piece of cooked bacon lying about under my seats once in a while. Wrapping it around the weed actually sounds like a great idea. Bacon flavor :bongin:
  10. Adhesive this!
  11. or you could just move to seattle.
  12. You can't get away with smoking joints disguised as cigarettes in busy public places, you'll get busted. Weed does not burn like tobacco, the paper from emptied cigarettes isn't very condusive to weed, and the smell is going to go everywhere. You're much better off with a small joint, or pipe, on a side street with no activity.
  13. #13 thereddfoxx12, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Well I mean that it works as long as you area in a fairly secluded area or at least 10+ feet away from people. If someone see's you using a pipe or joint 30 feet away they may call the police, but if that odd person walk by and sees you smoking a cig he will not look twice.
  14. Good guide, the only issue I have is with the 'drug dog distraction' part. Do you really buy food every time you are going to pick up, and then not eat it until you have the weed safely at your destination? Or, do you really bring dog food with you every time? I can't imagine a sealed bag of dog treats would even be that distracting. A solid guide nonetheless.
  15. Want to keep your smoking on the low down? Don't do it around people that will care.

  16. ya thats why i vape with my mflb almost no smell at all no smell if you zero the vapor i bring that little thing everywhare
  17. Small bowls work, too. I have lots of little spots in my city where there are little to no people and it's very easy to smoke a entire bowl, not just take a few hits. Good guide though
  18. Small thing of febreeze or ozium ...

    it used to be that if you tried something to cover the smell people would be suspicious [only druggies burn incense ...] but thanks to the fashion for people to use all sorts of air fresheners, you can blend right in.

    I have a friend who has a great coverup for her stash ... she is into buddhism, and has a small shrine set up.

    This [​IMG] sits in a corner, and she has a selection of really nice candles and incense she likes and a burner sitting on top

    She keeps her stash and stuff in the shrine. Gives her a great excuse to always have candles and incense burning, which is nice anyway, and hides her goodies all in a really pretty deal.
  19. I know it sounds like a pain in the ass, but for %100 safety I would get bacon every-time and eat it when you are back to your house. It is annoying but it is worth it since it is a better choice then risking your freedom.
  20. i just keep some dog treats on me becuse i have a dog lol but if a dog searches me witch is rare here bucuse we dont have one in our towns force it got to old and i vape and have airtight contaners

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