Anyone else attend this year ? It was held in Sacramento, CA. For those of you who dont know what it is its a 5k walk/run and at ever kilometer you get blasted with different colors of corn starch haha. It's a fuckin blast. There were over 15,000 people there !! It was one of the best experiences of my life. Took some awesome footage with my HD Hero2 pics up later. So like I said, did anyone else attend ?
[quote name='"Shayla"']I didn't realize something so awesome was being held so close to my house :[[/quote] Where do you live ? And Fuck it was amazing. There Doin it annually now in sac and other places. You should definatly go next time !
They did this is my city a month ago, I left my apartment and thought I was tripping out man hahah. A bunch of people covered in colored powder screaming down my street, sort of geeked out that morning
[quote name='"digu miki"']It sounds really fun. Do they do this for a cause or just for the fun of it?[/quote] They do it for a whole bung of causes. This year was for girls clubs throughout California