My town has less then 2500 people... and the majority of them our over 60 We don't have our own high school but my children go to a public elementary school with only <180 students... and its Pre-k through eighth grad
1,000,000+ Damn it sucks living in a big city....... especcially with the most amount of cops in a city!!
Welcome to GC! PFFFFT! Big cities are the shit!!! There's nothing to do in small towns 'cept smoke and watch the grass grow... Or for a real thrill you can go knock over some sleeping cows, lol... Or get drunk as shit... Not my idea of a good time
Werd... I know what ya mean Sometimes I would like to live in the country for a while... But I'm too much of a city person. I live for the hustle and bustle, and the night life is where it's at! My ideal residence would be just outside Philly a bit... Where there's some space between the houses, but where it's still drivable to get to the city. Perfect combination of the 2, imo And yeah, I just got done burnin a dank bubbler, myself
We got about 1500 People, no fire, police, hospital or nothing. Just a "drug free" HIGH school... Tiny, but it seems like everyone is smokin or sellin
welcome to the city live near a college town, mad cops, but they only go after college kids. a non student can get a pass from them about almost anything.