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The circuit?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tristandude3, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Today I asked my friend where he gets his weed. He said "people. You got to get into the circuit before you can get any. It's not to hard to get into it though." What the hell is 'the circuit'?
  2. i thinks its like a group of people who buy.smoke and sell weed.. basically 80% of my highschool

  3. There is no circuit. You have to get connects period. You get your friend to introduce you to his dealer and your set.
  4. just chill with your friend a bit, smoke with the people he chills with, get numbers and your techniqually 'in the circuit' moreso in the group of trusted people that will hook you up in a time of need, moreso a middleman, dont front though, and specialy dont nark, you will never be in any circuit again:smoke:

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