Calichronicles Grow #1, ~Circa January 8th Feel free to tag along and PLEASE any help answering our questions would be greatly appreciated. We will try to update this blog at least 3 times a week Thanks again, The Calichronicles grow team JB, Shlee, and Chard JB - January 14, 2010 As of January 12th, we LST'd all 4 of our Mazar plants using a series of bobby pins. Below are thumbnails of each plant; we have 2 blue dream, 2 white widow and 4 mazars growing currently. Details and specs: Each of these plants is in a 1.5 gallon pot transplanted from a clone in pete moss or some equivalent. They are side by side in a bin under two 150watt HPS bulbs roughly 2.5 feet above them. They are in a closet, but they have plenty of room to grow. The closet is tarped over to help contain humidity (we have a fogger inside), but there are holes in the bottom left and top right portions of the tarp for the fans to conduct airflow through the closet(the top right fan is blowing air OUT of the closet). Plant questions and concerns: Do our LST'd plants look healthy / did we do it right? How soon would you recommend adding a second loop; all of the Mazars are to the edge of the pot now (like a radius) and are all between 4-6 leafsets. White widow #1 and 2 have very different Plant structure: Plant #2 has fewer leaves, is not nearly as tall and has two GIANT leaves that are almost sitting on the dirt. White widow #1 is more proportional, and to me , looks a lot healthier. Am I correct, or do they both look OK? If one is unhealthy, any suggestions would be appreciated. Also, what is the mysterious yellowing on white widow #1 and some of the other plants? Is it a nitrogen deficiency? Mazar's Look great Blue dream's are super stunty, did the clipping the plants where growth was bad (Asshole club, not us) severely curtail the plants ability to grow? Do they need to veg longer than the others? What actions can/should we take? Also a couple leaves on Blue dream #2 are slightly wilted and curled, though I'm pretty sure its not heat stress as they're a good 2.5+ feet from the light, and the temp near the plants is like 73 degrees. Could it be overwatering? We were watering the plants every day. Watering and nutrient schedule - the plants are ~9 days old, how much / often should be watering them? Is the finger test really the best way to determine whether we should water them? (we read that if the first 6 layers of soil are dry, you should water the plant thoroughly then go maybe 3 days without watering) Also should we be giving the clones nutrients now? We're shooting for high yield are any of the "bushmaster"/ Grow steroid things legitimate or worth using? Any secret tricks of the trade we should know to help boost our yield or keep our plants healthy? Thanks much again. Shlee - January 13,2010 YESTERDAY WE LST'D OUR 4 MAZAR PLANTS, THE 2 BLUE DREAM ARE LOOKING OK, THERE WAS A LITTLE WILTING OF SOME LEAVES, BUT I THINK IT MAY BE FROM OVER WATERING, WHAT DO YOU THINK? (pictures below) ALSO, WE BOUGHT 2 MORE CLONES, THEY ARE WHITE WIDOWS AND LOOK PRETTY HEALTHY. THIS IS ONLY DAY 5 WITH THE PLANTS AND THEY SEEM TO BE DOING ALRIGHT. I CAN'T SEEM TO GET ANY STRAIGHTFORWARD ANSWER ON HOW MUCH WATER A 3-4 WEEK OLD CLONE NEEDS AND HOW MUCH NUTRIENTS TO GIVE...A LITTLE ADVICE WOULD BE HELPFUL. CHECK OUT THESE PLANTS AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK G.C....HAPPY GROWING
Bump. SORRY FOR ALL CAPS, BUT SOMEONE TOLD ME CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. No seriously though, any suggestions, questions, comments, or help identifying the mysterious yellowing on White Widow #1 and a couple others (we think its nitrogen deficiency) would be greatly appreciated.