Decided to make a thread for all the bread heads in the city that have a love for the loaf! There are some very skilled bread makers here, I however am not one of them LOL! So I am learning as I go and building a shopping list to get started on my first bread making experience. I encourage everyone to have open discussions about anything bread related they have going on as I will learn a great deal from watching others processes, discussions and results! On my list so far I have: 1) Any book/information by Peter Reinheart ("Crust & Crumb", "Bread Makers Apprentice", "American Pie", "Whole Grain breads", etc) or any information from "Steve Sullivan (Acme Bread - one of the original, original artisan bakers to revive this art over 33 years ago), Chad Robinson (Tartine Bakery - probably the best bread baker in America), Jeffrey Hamelman (head baker at King Arthur Flour - one of only 15 CMB in America [Certified Master Baker] and Ciril Hitz" -CC 2) Lodge Cast LCC3 Pre Seasoned 3quart Dutch Oven 3) Need to find a Yeast to use 4) King Arthur Flour if possible 5) Bakers Digital Scale 6) Pure Sea Salt of Kosher What else is it that I will be needing to get started on this amazing new journey?
Now from what I have read, what I will be learning to make first is known as a "Boule", which is French for "Ball". According to wiki it is "a traditional shape of French bread, resembling a squashed ball. It is a rustic loaf shape that can be made of any type of flour. The name of this bread is the reason a bread baker is referred to as a "boulanger" in French, and a bread bakery a "boulangerie." From my understanding this is really just a name to refer to the finished shape of the bread. So I am looking to make Sourdough, Whole Wheat, Seeded (Pumpkin, Sunflower, Hemp, etc.), Whole Cloved Garlic, Onion Poppy Seed, & the misses says "Tomato Basil Parmesan!" Boule's. The differences really only seem to have to do with how the dough is prepared. So for my first "Boule" I am going to try using a "Poolish" recipe to make my dough. The recipe for the Poolish is outlined below: The flour I will be using is King Arthur Unbleached All Purpose Flour. Now I just need to find a yeast to use, currently reading up on wild yeast cultures. If anyone has any info handy on this it would be greatly appreciated!
Yes - in layman's terms. But a 'sourdough' does not have to be 'sour' per se - it all depends on how it's manipulated with enzymes and such.
Man, I used to love bread, until my ex made a loaf of banana bread and I ate it all in one night, was doing fine until I decided to drink a large ass glass of water. I was messed up for 2 days and had to miss work. I have never felt that stuffed. Never again Good times
I've been hearing about more and more people baking their own bread. Really is starting to intrigue me. Also a mini bee farm. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
So for use with the method outlined above, can you recommend either a store bought yeast or method of culture to create my own? What would be the difference between a typical dough and a dough for use in an actual sourdough boule? If I am not using the terminology appropriately I apologize haha.
This is an awesome method I've tried - Ars Pistorica- 0 to Starter in 3 Days It really worked for me.
For commercial yeast you want instant dry yeast (IDY) from Red Star. Very easy to find - Walmart, Costco, etc. This is the industry standard... Here's a couple of links on sourdough cultures: Love your Sourdough Starter? In Stockholm, you can Hire a Sitter for It Sourdoughs International - Sourdough cultures from around the world literally. I've used their cultures for over 15 years. Here's their story...
I was not able to find IDY from Red Star even after checking all local walmarts, targets, stater bros, Costco etc. What I did find was Saf-Instant, I noticed it was produced by Lasaffre which (according to info on their website) also produces Red Star so figured I'd pick it up. The consistency of this yeast is extremely condensed. I was also able to find Fleischmann's Rapid Rise IDY in packets and it's much different in consitency. Will either of these be what I'm looking for? It's pretty interesting about hiring a bread sitter haha, glad some have been able to rescue their starter by simply feeding it. Not as fascinating however as traveling around the world to collect rare cultures from decades of use! Can't wait to see how the flavor builds over time!
Omg... It's a thread about me! So who wants the lo-down on how to make bread?? I got all the info from technique to formulas. First piece of homework is to learn and understand bakers %. Also SoCal sorry to burst your bubble but after a couple of weeks of feeding a starter in a new environment will cause the colony of yeast to be replaced by the natural yeast in the new location. I.e. If I come get a San Francisco starter and bring it to Oregon it will become an Oregon starter after some feeds.
Saf-instant is the best for commercial yeast. The red label will be good for all your needs. Anyone who wishes to start your own starter put a couple of apples( with skins on) in a container of water add a little sugar, stick in warmish area( top of fridge can be good spot). In a couple of days you can mix the water with flour and create your first "feed"
You know what's weird? I once asked a microbiologist who specializes in sourdough culture where That's how I did mine over 10 years ago and it's still kicking!